After 17 seconds of holding a thought, the Law of Attraction is activated. You then begin attracting the essence of what you are thinking about. This is the starting point of your emotional grid.

If you hold that thought for at least 68 seconds, there will be enough momentum to create a substantial grid to attract other, specific thoughts that merge with your beginning point of attraction.

As of this writing, the emotional grid is the most recent analogy taught by Abraham (a group of non-physical beings, as presented by Esther Hicks), to help us understand who we are, how we fit into the bigger picture of things and how we can create the life we want.

They teach that the grid is vibrational in nature and the basis of your attraction. It is the foundation and framework for your manifestations. Once you establish an emotional basis, your grid will fill in with all kinds of things that match your vibration.

Personally, the emotional grid analogy resonates strongly with me because as a visual person, I am able to clearly visualize it in my mind. I simply picture a black and white grid (my daughter imagines a green sort of computer/matrix-like grid), then begin filling in the squares with emotions I want to experience about a subject. As I focus on those feelings, I imagine the grid beginning to fill in with colorful details by the Universe.

Everything you think about makes a grid. If you want your grid to fill in with positive stuff then choose to focus on things that make you feel good. If you have opposing thoughts about a subject, you could have two different grids filling in at the same time. The one that you focus on the most will fill in the fastest, and you will begin to see evidence in the form of manifestations, good or bad.

To begin building a grid, choose a subject. It could be money, a relationship, a job, anything that you want to deliberately focus on. If you were to write your grids down in a notebook, it would enhance the process, but is not necessary.

Next, establish your emotional starting point. How do you want to feel? If your subject is about money, perhaps you can start with the word ease . "I want to feel financial ease." "I like feeling easy about money."

It is best to keep your words general at the beginning of building your grid because there is less resistance, and it is enough to get the momentum going. As you focus your attention on your chosen starting point, more good feeling-thoughts will flow to you.

Avoid trying to fill in your grid with specifics; that is not your job. Keep your focus on how you want to feel and let the Universe fill in the details. The Universe can manage things much better than you and will open avenues and opportunities that matches the vibration you are offering.

As you harmonize with your grid, you will feel a vibrational shift, evidence will starting showing up, and your grid will continue filling in with vivid detail until it eventually manifests.

In the mean time, let go of caring about the manifestations. You will trip your self up if you let your attention drift to what you see. Instead, relax and trust in the power of the Universe. Use meditation to quiet your mind and allow yourself to feel easy about it. Keep your focus on how you want to feel.

The Universe responds to the vibration of your emotions. Doing grid work gives you excellent practice to keep your thoughts in a good feeling place. Not only will you be feeling good nearly all of the time, but you will find your dream life finally becoming your reality.

Author's Bio: 

Christa Smith is a Freedom Coach and EFT Practitioner. "I believe...we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. We have the freedom of choice, to do, be or have anything we desire. Freedom, abundance and joy is our birth right. I believe our path in life is to follow our bliss! My to assist you on the road to freedom." If you want to learn how to live life deliberately rather than by default visit her websites at and .