Amazon Account Suspended because of Too Many Returns
Amazon being the world’s largest online store, provides lot of facilities to its customers to make it more convenient, safe and hassle free market place, where customers can shop from anywhere with all ease. That is why it has become customer’s delight for shopping.
The Return Policy is one of such services provided by Amazon. As per this policy in general, within 30 days, from the date of delivery, you can return the bought items. If the item is defective, damaged, or the incorrect product then it will be returned for free for a full refund provided the items must be sold and/or fulfilled by Amazon directly. If not then the customer has to pay for return shipment. Also there is different criteria for different group of product, which are clearly mentioned in the Amazon Return policy.
However, the return policy is made for the benefits of customer; it is observed that many customers use this policy very frequently to hamper the image of the company. Maintaining the brand Amazon is the most prior objective. So it has to be strict in close monitoring and taking necessary action. It could be as strict as getting banned.
Therefore you have to be very careful to return your Amazon orders. If you are returning frequently then it may result into getting you banned from the service. It is not a new idea of Amazon to ban customers for too many returns.
According to news published in The Wall Street Journal, Amazon has banned customers from making purchases on their online retailing site for activities like returning too many items purchased by them.
In this report they have cited two examples where customers’ accounts were banned by Amazon without any warning. One of them is Nir Nissim, who claimed that he was banned because of his excessive return activity. Although his account was later on reinstated after appealing and making several calls.
In another report from The Guardian in 2016, it is mentioned that a computer programmer was also banned because of his returning 37 of the 343 items he purchased since 2014.
As per the statement by Amazon, in Amazon, it is rare to ban a customer for violating the terms and conditions of their services for a long period of time.
They never take such decisions lightly, but having more than 300 million customers all around the world they need to protect the experience for all of them. They are always ready to take appropriate action whenever it is required. Amazon also states that if a customer claims that they have made any mistake then they are having system to encourage the customer to contact them directly using any of their contact services so that they can review and analyze the account to take befitting action.
But in that report, Amazon does not specify exact reason for getting their customers banned. It is more likely to abuse its return policy such as returning the wrong item or making frequent returns.


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