Brainwave entrainment is not a new term and neither are my articles about it.

If you are interested in self improvement and mind expansion, you've probably read some of my earlier articles - Holosync Meditation - Does It Really Work? and Quantum Mind Power - Instead of Holosync? Both of these programs are good, but technology changes as new discoveries are made.

For example - remember how expensive DVD players were when they first came out? Now they're cheap as the technology moves along to something else.

The same with brainwave entrainment. When it was first discovered, binaural beats were the way to achieve that "meditate like a Zen monk" state. Then it was discovered that monoaural and isochronic tones actually did the job better. And you didn't have to go out and buy an expensive set of headphones either.

Some of the older programs still use the old technology, some do not. My biggest complaint is the expense of the programs. Some get you involved in a "progressive" series of cds you must purchase, others just got greedy as their popularity grew and they kept raising their prices. Big mistake.

Now there is a program that you can download on your computer and listen to a wide variety of brainwave entrainment sessions, depending upon what you want to accomplish.

Are you looking to relax and increase your meditation skills?
Having problems with ADD ?
Need help with insomnia?
Just looking to increase your mental skills?

These and many other sessions are pre-done in the program. The great part is that you can totally customize each session or you can make up your own session!

This ability to customize is something I don't see in other programs.

Chances are, you may have come across specific cds on the internet that address a certain problem area using brainwave entrainment. It's likely these cds were made with this program as they also sell a fully licensed developer's program.

If you're just starting out with brainwave entrainment and want a low-cost, easy to use and very effective way to get started, the simple home version is all you'll need.

You can get as "geeky" as you want with this program. For the rest of us, there's a very easy wizard that will get you up and running quickly. I've made a short video that goes through the wizard to give you some idea how easy it is to use.

For more information about this product and to view the wizard demo video I made, check out the link below.

To read more about this program and view the easy wizard video, go here:

Author's Bio: 

GiGi runs a variety of health related websites and blogs. To read more about brainwave entrainment, go to