I invite you now to enter into a new way of thinking about what has been called a “disorder”. We are each a part of a bigger picture unfolding. It is said that we are moving from the Information Age to the Attention Age. According to studies done a few years ago, information is multiplying at a rate of approximately 66% per year. Some estimates now predict that new information will increase at a rate of 73% per year by 2013. Change is the only constant.

Have you ever watched a television broadcast where two news anchors are side-by-side interviewing two individuals in the upper corners of the screen while a ticker tape of information scrolls across the bottom? Do you wonder where to focus your attention? Multi-tasking has been adopted as a way of coping to try to keep up with all that is going on around us and in our busy lives. By multi-tasking, an entire population is trying to adapt and do what the ADHD brain does naturally.

Children and individuals with this ADHD brain are hard-wired to succeed in their area of brilliance in this evolving world and where we are headed. The ADHD brain is the brain of the future and it is here now to stay. Everyone will eventually have this brain. We are witnessing Darwin’s Theory of Evolution and Natural Selection in action.

Having an ADHD brain is currently labeled a “disorder” because those with this brain are highly sensitive and often misunderstood. Their ability to take in more is an asset once they are set up to succeed. As highly sensitive individuals they have come in at a time when our food supply and environment are toxic. In addition, they are expected to fit into models that no longer serve where we are heading. Does anyone really fit into a particular mold anyway such as the one expected by the No Child Left Behind Act?

The natural and proven solutions for ADHD symptom relief are simple. Many have been available for over thirty years and have been used with great success. The opportunity with which we are all presented now is to turn the tide away from the current model of prescription drugs for ADHD symptom relief to proven natural solutions. We are all part of the largest and most powerful lobby group in the world – consumers! Where you, I, parents and everyone spend our money influence and direct the flow of our economic and political systems. We are the people with the ultimate power!

What are the natural solutions? First of all, we must all realize that every child is different and wonderfully unique as I’m sure you already know. While the overall solution is essentially the same for every child, some specifics may differ slightly per child. The same is true of drugs as well. However, the natural solutions listed below have not been known to cause side-effects.

1. Nutrition and absorption: If sensitive children with bodies that are still forming are given foods with toxic ingredients, additives and pesticides, their bodies and minds react adversely. Adults have had a lifetime to fight off ever increasing levels of toxins which take a toll as we age. However, young sensitive bodies are quick to display adverse reactions.

Allergies, neurotransmitter imbalances, leaky gut and other such issues can usually be treated through proper diet. Organic is always the best way to go if possible. Another great place to start is www.adhddiet.org to learn about the Feingold diet which has been used for over 30 years to eliminate symptoms of ADHD. As always, parents should check with their trusted health care provider who believes in natural and healthy solutions before undertaking any new program for their child.

Another nutrition tip is a breakfast of protein. Eating carbohydrates in the morning will not only spike symptoms but create a blood sugar roller coaster that will fuel cravings for the remainder of the day. Again, every child is different so, specific food sensitivity issues must be considered here as well.

2. Detoxification is essential. In the current world in which we live, it is impossible not to take in some form of toxins whether it is from food, beverages, household cleaners or the environment. Not all detox protocols are created equally, however. It is essential to use a detox product with a built-in chelator.
3. Since ADHD children are very sensitive and brilliant in their area of specialty, they tend to take in too much in their environment as well as become bored easily. Another very important piece of the solution is teaching the children how to focus and function rather than get distracted by externals. Behavior modification techniques such as coaching and cognitive behavioral therapy are just a couple of the many proven tools that are available now.
4. Physical exercise is required! Unfortunately, the norm today is a more sedentary lifestyle. A great way to channel excess energy, improve focus and eliminate hyperactivity is exercise . Before school is a great time for a child with hyperactivity symptoms to do jumping jacks or any activity that will release excess energy, nervousness and frustration rather than store it up for the classroom.
5. Lastly, children do not live in a vacuum. If a child is treated with natural solutions but lives in and/or is repeatedly exposed to environments that do not support the healthy changes required, symptom relief may not be sustainable. My recommendation for the healthiest and most long-lasting solution is implementation of a family lifestyle change. This would begin to turn the tide of the obesity epidemic as well.

Your call to action:
1. Visit www.thegiftofyou.com to download your copy of my free e-book entitled ADHD: The Bigger Picture.
2. Join a new Facebook community to participate, teach, learn and help children and parents at www.facebook.com/adhdchildren .
3. Share this information with parents and everyone interested in creating a brighter future for these children – our future leaders!
4. Fun exercise: Google “famous people with ADD ”. You may be surprised.

Join the movement to help these children by using natural solutions!

Author's Bio: 

Cheryl is a professionally trained Life Wellness Coach and Angel Intuitive who delivers more than her clients hope to attain. Cheryl’s clients experience greater self-esteem, clarity of purpose and direction, harmony and cope more effectively with day-to-day challenges as they learn how to consistently create winning results. Athletes have a coach because they want to win. The most important game to win is the game of life. Let Cheryl help you or your child win the game of your lives!

Cheryl is the author of two books in addition to her coaching and training programs.

Sign up for Cheryl’s free monthly Empowerment e-zine at www.thegiftofyou.com