Adaptability is one of the most important spiritual qualities to integrate, and the key to success in our lives. We need to be adaptable because people can be self-centered, self-absorbed, scattered, fearful and ungrounded. People break promises and fail to keep commitments all the time. We can only control ourselves.

Adaptability is one-pointedness without stubbornness. Adaptability enables us to focus on achieving something while retaining appropriate boundaries, to master our energy, and magnetically draw to ourselves a desired future reality. The choices we have made and are making create possible futures for us to manifest now.

Acting like a “bull in a china shop”, charging our way through life and pushing aside anything we feel is keeping us from “getting what we want”, or trying to drag what we want into the present moment, are fear-based actions that create a sense of urgency and repel things away from us.

Adaptability and stubbornness are mutually exclusive. They cannot exist together. A stubborn person will have a dirty greyish yellow tint in their aura . They won’t listen to anyone else, and will fight to have their opinions and beliefs accepted by others. They are always transmitting or thinking about what they will say next. They block their own learning and growth, and create their own unhappiness and dissatisfaction with life.

In order to magnetically draw our hopes and dreams into our lives, we must first accept that everything we are currently experiencing is our own creation. If we have cancer, arthritis , allergies or headaches, we created it. If we are a successful business person, are living from paycheck-to-paycheck or are “flat broke”, we created it. If we are in an abusive, un-fulfilling or a loving relationship, we created it. If we have a beautiful home, live in a shack or are homeless, we created it.

Whenever or wherever we affirm that we did not create “that” problem, situation or relationship in our lives, we are playing the role of the victim. We must first step into the role of co-creator, acknowledging that all of our reality is our creation. Then, our mentors, guides, God and the Masters will support us in creating our “best possible future” if it’s in line with planetary plan and purpose and our personal life blueprint.

How can we be adaptable? How do we integrate one-pointedness without stubbornness into our lives? We feel into and allow certain qualities which are part of the personality of God to ground, center, align and balance within us.

These qualities are keenness of intellect, attention to detail, the desire to accept the truth, devotion, holding the ideal, idealism in balance, love of the truth, tenacity, the willingness to endure, mental illumination, perseverance, organization, clear mindedness, and taking things to completion.

Keenness of intellect, attention to detail and the desire to know or accept the truth are qualities of the 5th Ray of Science, the orange ray. The 7 planetary rays are the 7 basic qualities of God, and create everything that exists in our lives including our thoughts and emotions. We can call forth a down pouring of the5th Ray if we are weak or lacking in any of these qualities.

Keenness of intellect includes the analytical insight and curiosity characteristic of the scientific researcher, and leads to scientific discoveries. Little details can often be overlooked creating imbalance in our lives. It’s important to pay attention to them. We must also possess a fervent, constant and overwhelming desire to know the truth, no matter what it is.

Devotion, holding the ideal, idealism in balance, love of the truth, tenacity and willingness to endure are qualities of the 6th Ray, the indigo ray. We must be completely devoted to making our desired future a reality to get through the hard times. There are bumps, twists, turns, ups, downs and surprises in the road of life. We must be mentally and emotionally prepared and committed to maneuver through and around them.

We must hold the ideal of the goal manifesting, and remain idealistic without being an over-achieving, perfectionist. If we get hung up on the details or if we are always very busy without getting anything done, we will not manifest adaptability in our lives.

The desire to accept the truth of the 5th Ray and the love of truth of the 6th Ray work together to create a willingness to accept the truth no matter what it is. Let’s not energize our ego. Our ego only wants to accept the truth under certain circumstances, and not if it involves the unfamiliar, change, work or sacrifice.

We need to be tenacious. Tenacity is not stubbornness. It’s seeing the journey towards manifesting our goals as a series of obstacles to be met and mastered. As we embrace the quality of tenacity, we become grateful for the obstacles. Gratitude is one of the most important spiritual qualities, and is critical to grounding and anchoring the Golden Age on Earth.

Sometimes we work hard and make great progress. Sometimes we work hard and nothing happens. We put lots of time, focus and energy into our project, dream or goal without results. In such moments, we need tenacity and the willingness to endure. We must continue our efforts and build inertia until the obstacle moves and we are thrust forward into the new.

Mental illumination, perseverance, organization, clear mindedness and taking things to completion are qualities of the 3rd Ray, the yellow ray of active intelligence.

With mental illumination, comes the ability to foresee consequences. We can see an obstacle before it’s there, and either eliminate it or move around it. The 5th Ray qualities of tenacity and the willingness to endure produce the 3rd Ray quality of perseverance.

We must be organized, which is about time management and mastery of time. The more we think that we don’t have enough time, the less we have. The more we know that we have plenty of time to accomplish everything, the more time expands to meet our needs.

We need clear mindedness to integrate one-pointedness without stubbornness. If we find that our mind is cluttered or we are mentally busy and getting little done, we can call forth a down pouring of the 3rd Ray. We also need to finish what we start, and not give up when the “thrill is gone”. We can work with the 3rd ray until we love to complete things.

We need all of the positive qualities of the 3rd, 5th and 6th Rays to create one-pointedness without stubbornness. These ingredients, without substitution, must come together within us to create something much greater than the individual parts: the Christ quality of adaptability.

Let’s sit with our feet flat on the ground, spine straight, and breathe into our heart centers. Let’s choose to allow ourselves to experience one-pointedness without stubbornness or adaptability.

We call forth Master Hilarion, Lord Sananda, Serapis Bey and Master R [formerly known as Saint Germain], and ask that they work our energies into a group synthesis, and journey us into a reality that they will create where we have already fully integrated one-pointedness without stubbornness. Feel and breathe into this reality now. We request a down pouring of the color of adaptability, a violet-green in a very ripe tomato hue, and feel ourselves being bathed in this energy. We affirm that we are aligned and centered and allowing ourselves to fully feel and integrate adaptability or one-pointedness without stubbornness into our lives, and commit to work with adaptability over the next 28 days.

May love restore the balance.

Author's Bio: 

Arlene (Founder and Publisher of the New Age Tribune. ) received her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia (1978), and her Juris Doctor from the University of Kentucky College of Law (1981). She is a partner in the law firm of Miller & Cohen, P.C. in Longmont, Colorado USA, and practices commercial law with her husband and best friend, John.

As a professional, Arlene is grateful to have the opportunity to re-imprint the Akashic Records with a new way of being in the business world that is anchored in unconditional love, compassion and unity and harmony consciousness. The Akashic Records are an imprint of every thought, feeling, word or experience we have ever had and are used to guide all aspects of our lives. Arlene feels that being in a position to facilitate change in, of and for love, for the highest good of all concerned in the world of commerce and business transactions is a tremendous gift.

Arlene is a Reiki Master and Healer, and the mother of Jesse, Age 23, an Indigo and one of her greatest teachers. She is a Certified Cosmosis Facilitator and Mentor with the Cosmosis™ Academy of the Insight Foundation™ , teaches integrated ascension classes and co-facilitates a weekly Planetary Healing and World Harmony Meditation Group. Helping people transform their lives and the planet by releasing what no longer serves them and re-choosing self-acceptance, worthiness, courage and other sacred qualities, makes Arlene's heart sing. She chooses to embody and champion the ideal of love.

Arlene loves practicing Bikram (Hot) Yoga, hiking and skiing in the mountains of Colorado, being a positive force for Planetary Healing and helping to anchor the highest, clearest, brightest potential of the Golden Age on Earth now.

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