There is a saying that goes like this: “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Looking back on my life, I can truly say that at critical turning points, this was always true for me. It wasn’t so much that a situation changed, it was the way I was looking at the situation that caused me to make the turn.
Getting a new perspective is not enough, however. Anthony Robbins says, “A real decision is measured by the fact that you've taken a new action. If there's no action, you haven't truly decided." When your perspective changes, you must also take the action to make the change occur. Doing what you’ve always done will get you what you’ve always gotten.
Guy Finley says that real life is fluid change. The key to living an abundant, healthy life is to resist your resistance to the changes that will naturally occur.
One of my clients is one member of a middle management team consisting of 6 people. This organization is in the midst of a tremendous change in the way they deliver service to their clients. This change is mandated by factors outside the control of the middle management team, yet the management team must facilitate the implementation of the new process. Some of the employees within the organization have a strong resistance to the changes, as one might imagine. So how can the management team effectively move people through this process?
The first step is to get all of the management team to understand the importance of working together. There seems to be a tendency for people in positions like this to have an overwhelming need to be right, and to make others wrong. It is critical that the management team of any organization be unified, supporting one another in visible ways. The team is watching the management dynamic, and they will model their behavior after it.
This management team must begin to understand the perspective of each member of the team. Then they must commit to working together, through compromise and truthful communication, to achieve the overall goals of the organization. They must BE a team if they want to BUILD a team. They must then take the necessary action based upon the collective agreement they reach through their new understanding of each position. This is collaboration at its best!
Will this management team succeed? They will if they learn to lose the need to be right. They must make a commitment to build trust, and let go of ego driven action. They must rally together to support every member of their respective teams through a unified voice of affirmation that everything will work out. The team will succeed if they become committed to succeeding.
My client has learned valuable lessons through coaching and personal development , and she will thus be a leader among leaders, prepared and willing to accept the challenges that are ahead of her. Would you be ready for such a task?
Coach Charrise
Charrise McCrorey is a powerful facilitator of transformation. She transforms lives and businesses every day and makes it her business to do so in the most generous, respectful and extraordinary way. As one client put it: “Charrise is gifted, lovely, amazing, spirited, and giving”. And he isn’t alone! Clients all over the world are better off today for having known and worked with her.
Charrise is a sought-after transformational coach, speaker, trainer, facilitator and author. She powerfully and effectively helps her clients to expand to their fullest capabilities in their businesses and their lives.
She has racked up an incredible 28 years in the world of business, from receptionist for a construction company to General Sales Manager in the Advertising industry, serving in marketing, operations and various executive management roles in between.
She has learned first-hand the value of diversity in people and cultures, including how they think and operate differently inside numerous roles in business. She has learned the value of building sustainable relationships, spanning over several years. And most importantly, she learned the significance of being happy in her work.
She has learned what all people have in common. We all have a tendency to get in our own way when we most need to move forward. We hide from our own true power. We benefit by replacing our fear with love and action. This has brought her to create her ground-breaking coaching program: FULL OUT AND FEARLESS, where Charrise leads people out of the world of mediocrity and into the world of possibility. In the words of one FULL OUT AND FEARLESS client: “The program is like no other program I had been in. It was and still is all about me and what I want and how to get it. There is no script. No bullet point presentation. Full Out & Fearless has helped me evolve into a person of brutal honesty, dealing with only the truth.”
“My work as a business and personal coach exposes me to many people who are seeking a different kind of life” says Charrise. “During our transformational work together, we discover what stops them from having the kind of life they want. Each and every time, the answer relates back to some kind of fear… There is hope.”
Charrise has experienced corporate burnout first hand. It nearly killed her once when the stress of her career made her very ill. She learned the hard way how stress affects health, and how sneaky it can be. As a result, she lost her job. A few weeks later her husband was diagnosed with Melanoma. Strike one, two, and a matter of about 6 weeks. Enough to cause anyone to drop full-time into fear.
Instead, these powerful experiences led Charrise to discover her gift and love for coaching. Her husband is now cancer free. And she is filled with gratitude for the experiences that have led her to her service as a coach.
She received her professional business coach certification through, and has since served literally hundreds of people, and consistently facilitated in the transformation of businesses, families, relationships and lives.
You Don't Have To Go It Alone!