Action avoidance. Doesn't that sound right up there with restless leg syndrome and other maladies we have thrown at us in the latest barrage of commercials?

It is a more perverse disease that plagues millions of wannabes huddled amongst their excuses at the bottom of the ladder. Action avoidance. The plague of the sales person that hates making a cold call, the downfall of the latest resolution to exercise, the fear of approaching the one that may be the love of your life, the blame about the tough economic times all add to the journal of reasons to avoid action.

Action can not be avoided. It takes energy and creativity to form just the right excuse at just the right time to make it barely possible to slip by another day without facing truth. Why not spend that energy of positive forward motion?

It takes action to make excuses. Take action to avoid them.

While news media reassures us that the current big excuse about the economy justifies sitting round the house, there is a missed reality. All times, boom times, good times, the absolute best of times can be the worst economic times - if you do not have work. What do the excuse makers do when times are good? They find more excuses. Let's run through a few with answers to each.

"I'm too poor to get an education."

Answer: Libraries have the same books that are offered at Harvard, and libraries are free. My Power Podcast is free every week and offers new skills for people at any level of personal development . Hey, you have to expect some self promotion.

"I'm not pretty enough."

Answer: Real beauty is in a person's ability and attitude . Most people I know that are multi-millionaires are real mirror breakers. Don't point a camera in their direction. The best sales person I know, a self made real estate developer, was voted the ugliest guy on campus by his fraternity brothers. That's right, his personality got him in the most popular fraternity, won him a beautiful wife, and amassed a fortune in commercial real estate.

"I'm to fat."

Answer: I've been in that battle all my life. I could blame my thyroid, sue McDonalds, or just change my lifestyle. You can too.

"I have an impairment."

Answer: I do too. Nothing life threatening, but a problem. I have, what a doctor called, a mild form of Tourette Syndrome. Little annoying ticks that make some people think I'm on speed when the meet me. Many times I've that stare in someone's eyes that says, "What's he on?" Annoying true - just not reason for action avoidance. With these two excuses about weight and Tourette, I could be a fat guy running up and down the street barking like a dog and cussing like a sailor. That would not help me achieve my goals.

"I'm too old."

Answer: That's a bigger buzz word today now with Baby Boomers hitting sixty. If you think you are too old, think of Col. Harland Sanders. He started Kentucky Fried Chicken when he was sixty-five with his Social Security check of a little over a hundred dollars. Dr. Maxwell Maltz, a best selling author we feature, wrote Psycho-Cybernetics when he was in his sixties. When you see hundred year old people skiing down mountains or jumping out of airplanes, don't ask them stupid questions like, "What's you secret of longevity ?"

Their long life and joy of living is proof that they never fell ill to the dreaded disease, action avoidance. In this week's episode, you'll hear our best and brightest address ways to help you get into action, execute your plan, and avoid excuses.

Author's Bio: 

Joe NuckolsAuthor | Speaker | Broadcaster | Entrepreneur

Host of Nightingale Conant's My Power Podcast

Joe created the world's first all motivation 24/7 radio format , WNN - Winners News Network - that was syndicated nationally. He has been on stage with many leading speakers such as Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, and more. He received Entrepreneur of the Year award in Fort Lauderdale. Many national publications such as People, Newsweek, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and more have carried stories about his career. He is an award winning advertising writer and winner of journalism awards.