‘Without a vision, they will perish!” – So True. But without ACTION, the vision will stagnate (or, worse yet, frustrate the heck out of you!). While many of you are spending the time and energy creating great Vision Boards for 2013, without following through on the next 2 critical steps: Action and Accountability – the likelihood of achieving your goals is minimal.

So, I want to keep this simple this week. Here’s what I recommend you do:

1. Complete your vision board. (I know many women start a vision board but never complete it because they don’t know what to do next…….)

2. Ensure it is visually appealing and creates emotional excitement for you.

3. Combine photos with words – (for some of you tekkie types, you may want to do this on-line AND you can also create a fabulous personal movie by using Windows Movie-maker – now THAT’S powerful!)

4. Post the vision board where you will see it daily.I recommend you also use it as the wallpaper background on your computer!

5. Now, take each item/goal on the vision board and move it on over to an Action Sheet– which can be as simple as a piece of paper! (I then move mine on to colored index cards – a green card for financial goals, a yellow card for personal goals, etc. – helps me to stay focused and organized and I carry the cards with me)

6. List each goal – and write out what it would ‘look like and feel like’ when it is complete.

7. Ensure you have a column where you can identify the ‘why’ of each goal.

8. Put a date with each goal and hold yourself accountable to completing it. Remember – the power of your word is what will move you forward!

9. Share your goals only with people who will help you, support you, encourage you (keep in mind that NOT everyone will be excited about you wanting to make changes in your life!) AND with people who will hold you accountable. (I have 3 accountability partners when it comes to the major goals on my Vision Board! – and they ensure I keep the power of my word!)

10. Ensure you celebrate the achievement of each goal~ that celebration can be as small as scheduling a manicure (for personal goals), or making a donation to KIVA (for business financial goals), and so on.

Re-visit the Vision Board regularly – to ensure you are still excited about what you put on there; make changes if necessary – remember, it’s YOUR Vision Board! Because if you are not still excited about what you created a month or two down the road, the likelihood of you taking action is... well... small!And that’s my simple formula for bringing that Vision Board to life.

So, what are you going to do this week to invent your future?

What pictures/words will you choose to ensure you are growing your business?

Attracting the ideal clients?

Making the money you deserve?

Making a difference in the world?

Author's Bio: 

Pat Mussieux is fast becoming regarded as a highly valued Canadian mentor for women entrepreneurs taking her own business from zero to a multiple 6-figure home-based business in less than 4 years. Much of her success can be attributed to her expertise in marketing, mindset and money!
Pat Mussieux is a business coach, author, speaker and radio host. You can reach her at http://www.wealthywomenleaders.com