Many things cause acid reflux, but most of the time it’s the foods we eat. Certain foods aggravate acid reflux symptoms, making them the cause of your acid reflux. Its best to limit these foods, some foods that are responsible for a higher occurrence of heartburn should be avoided completely. Not everyone that experiences acid reflux will be affected by foods that they should avoid. Others may even experience acid reflux with foods that should be okay. Everyone’s case of acid reflux is different, therefore the most important thing to do is find out what is triggering your heartburn.
More than 20% of Americans experience some form of acid reflux two or more times a week. Although not everyone’s cause is going to be the same, for many it’s caused by what they are putting in their mouth. Food plays a vital role in supplying the body with essential nutrients and energy. However overtime the quality of our food has started to decline. With all the chemical additives, preservatives, food coloring, flavors, excessive sugar and sodium it’s no wonder our body rebels against us. The ingredients in the food we eat can cause the condition known as acid reflux. If you experience acid reflux also known as heartburn more than two times a week then its time to figure out what’s causing it. The fastest way to fine out what’s causing your symptoms is to keep a food diary. To do this you write down everything you eat throughout the day, no matter how small or big of a portion. Then notate the days you experience acid reflux and at what time so you can coincide it with the food you ate. There may be several foods in your food diary that cause your acid reflux symptoms.Foods cause acid reflux for two reasons, the lower esophageal sphincter LES relaxes when it shouldn’t or your stomach produces too much acid. Separate types of foods cause each of these situations. When the LES relaxes it allows food and stomach acid to rise back up into the esophagus causing feelings of heartburn. Normally, w hen you eat the LES snaps shut once food passes through the esophagus into the stomach. However due to certain foods the Les relaxes after food passes through making it more likely that food and stomach acid will rise back up into the esophagus causing heartburn symptoms. Foods that relax the LES include fried or greasy foods, high fat meats, butter, margarine, mayonnaise, creamy sauces, salad dressing, whole milk dairy products, chocolate, peppermint, or caffeinated beverages such as soda, coffee, tea, or cocoa.
When we eat our stomach produces acid to breakdown food into essential nutrient and deliver them throughout the body. The stomach regulates how much acid is produced however some foods stimulate an overproduction of acid. When this occurs excess acid can rise up into the esophagus, causing feeling of heartburn. Foods that stimulate high acid production include caffeinated beverages, carbonated beverages, alcohol, spicy foods, citrus fruit, juices, and tomato based food products.
Sarah Labdar graduated with a BA in exercise science and has worked in the medical field since. Her focus is alternative medicine and how it interacts and works in conjunction with traditional medicine.
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