If you had an accident at work then your life may be in complete disarray at the moment. Whenever anything like that happens to us its easy to shy away and retreat out of fear of our employer. After all, who wants to get into a legal dispute with their boss? The truth is that the law is 100% on your side and all those fears of losing your job and looking bad are things that are protected by law. Even if your boss hates you for making a legal claim against them, they still cannot touch you.

If you are in doubt about actually making a claim, then I can guarantee you that you are the only one losing out. Here are 3 reasons to step up and make the claim.

1. Most Employers Are Covered

Making a claim against your employer is not nearly what most people think it is. Most businesses have insurance that protects them so when you do file the claim it merely a case of an insurance claim. Its only in rare circumstances that you will end up in court against your boss.

2. You Are Only Selling Yourself Short

The financial implications of an injury claim often means that you get compensated for your injuries. This includes both the loss of earnings as well as medical and emotional "injuries". This is a payment that you are entitled to so why not take it?

3. Long Term Consequences

Just leaving it and letting it roll off your back can backfire later on in your life. Suppose your injuries become an issue later on in your life? If you did not file a claim then you do not have a leg to stand on. Often these injuries are re-occurring and back injuries for instance are notorious for staying with you. In most countries, injury claims expire after 3 years so you cannot go back and make a claim 5 years later when the injuries start bugging you again.

Do you want to make an injury claim ? Read more about car accident compensation ...

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