For years mankind has been using its imagination to create and develop things to improve their surroundings. We have used our imagination to creatively use and harness the power of fire, electricity, wealth, etc.... However, over the last fifty years alone, people's imaginations have created and developed more things then in all of human history. With the use of your imagination you can achieve any desire you have. You can create financial freedom , more leisure time with your family , your dream job and/or wealth and riches.

Before you start creating whatever it is that you desire. You must know there are to forms of imagination that you can use. The two forms of imagination are the synthetic and creative. When using the synthetic form, you will arrange old concepts, ideas, or plans into new combinations. This form of imagination creates nothing new. It just works with what you already know. The other form, creative imagination is used when something can not be solved and you need a new solution to the problem. Hunches and inspiration are developed through this form of imagination. In order to maximize our imagination we must first develop it. For most of you, your imagination will be weak do to none use. Not to worry, your imagination is like a muscle. With a little bit of training it will be back in shape. Once your imagination is back on track, you will use it to create concrete ideas. Your imagination is the starting point for all ideas, big and small. Ideas are the building blocks of all successful people. The use of hard work and faith alone will not bring you wealth and riches. You must start with an idea. Then let your imagination create a plan or plans of action to obtain that idea. Now let’s take a look at an example.

Back at the turn of the 1900's there was a drug store clerk who waged is entire fortune on an idea he had. The idea was to create a product the whole world would someday consumer. He started of by purchasing an old kettle, wooden paddle and a small slip of paper with a secret formula from a gentleman. Little did both of them know what amount of gold would flow from this kettle? The product of gold that flowed from the kettle was called Coca Cola. Now, every time you see, hear or say the word Coca Cola you will know that it all started with an idea. Now it wasn't what the small slip of paper had on it that created this fortune. It was what the young drug store clerk added to it. The ingredient he added to it was an imagination .

So the next time you stumble upon a problem or you think something is not possible. Just remember anything is possible and any problem is solvable. All you need is an idea and your imagination . Also remember failure is not a bad thing as long as you do it forward!

Author's Bio: 

Zack Miller is a business coach and mentor that assists serious entrepreneurs in building a profitable online business with multiple incomes streams. Zack and his team have assisted hundreds of people in generating profits that exceed $250K or more in their first year. For more information and to contact Zack, CLICK HERE