Teens may enjoy spending hours online updating every single one of their social networking profiles with similar, yet a little bit different updates.

But an adult's time is limited, and you will say:

"Eva, you talk about balancing time, and getting to know the teen world, but how can I do that when I have 2 free hours a day, and a teen has endless hours of free to time to spare?!"

Well, now there's a quick and painless way to keep up with the modern social networking , while spending a minimum amount of time doing so.

And I am so happy and proud, because, just for you, I have found the coolest thing ever...

Are you ready?

Here we go...

I have one word (actually one URL) for you:


Type it into a new tab now!

This swanky little thing lets you painlessly set up an account, update your status/ add a video or photo, or write something cool, and then with a click of a mouse send this 'new' update to any of your social networks.

Why this is AWESOME:

1. You can be done in under 5 minutes flat - no need to sign into every different social networking site where you have an account - this program has them all there.

2. Keep your online presence - be online, update your friends and family about your daily adventures, but do it the time-smart way! Plus, keeping updated social networks makes you just as modern, and as 'cool' as a teen (maybe even cooler if you save time and money doing it...no one said internet was free!).

3. Instant - have some news to share? Sign on in, post it, sign out, carry on with your day!

So get online, set up your account, use it, and let me know what you think:

Does it give you the best of both worlds?

Less time spent online, and keeping your online presence just as effectively as a teen!

Sounds like a win-win situation to me!

Happy Time Saving! :)

Author's Bio: 

Eva-Maria is a 19 year old family coach, international speaker, TV personality and author of the bestselling book ‘You Shut Up!’. Russian-born, Eva-Maria currently lives in New Zealand, and is on a full-on mission to help improve 1,000,000 adult-teenager relationships around the world!
