A loan is a sum of money that you borrow from someone. Be it your friend, family member, work colleague some bank or lending authority. Loans are usually taken to finance home purchasing, education, some general needs or debt association.

No matter who you take loan from you would have to return it within the specified amount of time with or without interest. Generally banks or credit unions pay a lump sum amount to the consumers and then they have to return it in the form of fixed monthly payments with an added interest amount.

So if you are looking to give your business a boost by doing that expansion or if you are a student worried about the financing of your college education or if you are looking to buy a house and worried about the mortgage, here is a guide that can tell you different types of instant loan and what is most suitable for you.

First comes the consumer credits. If you are looking to buy something on your credit card, you can have these options:

Open End and Close End Credit

Open end loans are usually credit card loans which are used for daily expenses like transport, clothing, outing and small expenses. These payments have to be made in full, monthly. The interest rate on these payments can vary from 0% to 30% but usually it lies somewhere at 15%. The amount the consumers can utilize depend upon their credit card limit.
And the amount of interest depends upon the consumer’s credit score . The higher the score the lower the interest rate. You can utilize your credit card multiple times and then pay back the full amounts as your specified payment method

Close Ended loans are one time loans that the consumers cannot borrow again and again. They are used to finance a particular need and if you want to take it again, you would have to go through the initial paperwork phase again.Close ended loans include mortgages, car loans, appliance loans etc.

Secured and Unsecured loans

Secured loans basically rely on the consumers certain property or asset that could be claimed by the lender if the consumer is unable to pay back the loan. Such loans have a lower interest rate. The lender can only allow you the payment that is equal to the worth of the asset.Unsecured loans completely rely on the consumer’s credit history. This loan doesn’t set an asset as a collateral and generally has a higher interest. Your strong credit history can make you a strong contender for an unsecured loan.

Conventional Loan

By conventional loan we usually mean the mortgage. The consumers are home buyers and this loan is not supported by any government agency. The lenders are mostly private lenders. This loan can be taken to finance the purchase of a house, a vocational residency, a second house or even a rental property.

Loans you need to steer clear from

As there are many types of loans, some actually helping the consumers and offering them easy payback options while others offer just short time loans with much higher hidden interest rates. One of these is payday loan. The interest rate on this type of loan is very high and it is highly discouraged to go for this type.

Choosing the right kind of loan is as important as getting the personal loan itself. So, analyze your requirements, study the rates and then taken your decision.

Author's Bio: 

An aspiring blogger who is trying to contribte some creativity and innovation to the blogging field.