If you think your husband is cheating, but you don’t really know for sure, it can be a truly maddening situation. You feel like you’re losing him or that he is becoming more distant with you. Plus, all the haunting images that flash through your head, constantly imagining the worst case scenario while secretly hoping that it’s all just in your head.

Here is a simple 4 step plan you can use to get the real truth about your husband. It’s a little bit sneaky, but if you need to know the truth, this can really cut to the chase.

First, you can look for clues all you want until you’re blue in the face. But lets face it. Clues are a zero-sum game. At the end of the day, you can add up all the signs he’s cheating and all the signs he’s not, but you’re not going to get a straight answer from looking for clues. You need evidence, and the best way to get evidence is to set a trap.

Step 1 - Tell your husband that you are going out of town to visit family , for work, or for any reason you can think of. This doesn’t really matter, just so long as it is believable. You can really just spend the night at a hotel or maybe you actually do go out of town, that’s not really the important part. If he thinks you’ll be away, then he is much more likely to use this as an opportunity to hook up with his mistress.

Step 2 - How can you catch him when you’re not even around? Easy. Go buy a voice-activated audio recorder. Hide this in your house. If he brings the other woman home or if he has any sort of phone conversations with her at home, then you’ll be able to catch him red-handed on tape.

Step 3 - But there’s a chance he might not bring her back to the house. Take a second recorder and discretely hide it in his car. If he’s not bringing her to the house, then he’s going to go to her. You can record any conversations they have while they are in the car driving around and going on their “dates.”

Step 4 - Now, after you’ve returned from your “trip” you can start to analyze the evidence. Find some time alone and go through the recording and see if you can find any incriminating information. Listening through what could potentially be several hours of recording can be tiresome, but learning the truth can sometimes be worth the effort

Having your husband cheat on you is never something anyone wishes for. But sometimes for your own sanity, you just need to find out the truth for yourself. After all, who wants to be ignorant and in the dark while your husband is running around town behind your back? Try this plan out and you’ll know for sure if your husband is having an affair or not.

Author's Bio: 

If you'd like to learn more ways to catch a cheating spouse be sure to check out my Catch a Cheating Spouse review where I'll show you how Sarah Paul's program will finally give you the concrete evidence you need to catch him red-handed.

Alex Haight is a relationship writer helping women with relationship problems and specializing in affairs and infidelity.