Don't let another year of weight-loss resolutions pass you by. Here are some easy-to-implement steps to ensure you lose the weight you don't want forever. This isn't a quick fix or instant remedy, and it will take a couple weeks to see results. Once you start on the plan, you will feel better almost instantly and the success of dropping that unwanted weight will have you shopping for thin clothes soon.
First off, let's discuss THREE reasons people are unsuccessful at achieving their weight loss goals. FEAR is the most common reason, whether realized or unrealized. Fears are simply our feelings getting in the way of our success. If you think back to a time when you were afraid of an event or circumstance, more often than not you inflated the possible outcome and created unneeded stress. Give yourself the green light to look at what your fears are regarding reaching your ideal weight. Are you afraid of getting hurt trying new exercises, do you have fear of not succeeding based on past results? Look at what is holding you back, give it a nod and move through the feelings.
The second reason for lack of success is COMMITTMENT. This comes in various shapes such as time restraints, learning something new such as an exercise or activity or cost commitments, such as joining a gym. The issues around commitment are simply this: you have to commit to make your HEALTH a priority. This means planning your day around exercising, eating well and stress-relieving activities.
Finally, another deal breaker in accomplishing your weight-loss goals is the LACK OF SUPPORT. I can't state enough how important it is to have a support group in place. Only you know which kinds of people will support you best. Decide what you want your support to look like and offer and start building your team.
Now that you know some obstacles you may encounter on your way to success, let's start with a plan to get you closer to the slimmer, sexier person you want to be.
1) Form your support group. We discussed this briefly above and with the tools available today, this should be easy. There are three general ways to build a group based on the type of person you are. Tell every, tell no one (action speak louder than words) or tell a trusted few. Which ever method you choose, start building your support group today. Do you have a friend who has similar goals of weight loss ? Make a pact to support and encourage each other daily.
2) Make your goals realistic. This means setting a goal of losing twenty pounds in two months, not two weeks. The idea is to take a realistic look at how long it should take to reach your ideal weight without starving yourself and moving into the gym. You should strive for 1-2 pounds per week. That means if you want to lose 20 pounds it will take between 2 1/2 and 5 months. Be prepared mentally to go the distance.
3) Set specific and measureable goals. Do you know your current weight, your chest or waist size? Start by collecting data and taking notes. Then make your goals specific such as "I will lose 20 pounds by April 1st, 2011." Know your starting numbers so you will know when you hit your weight loss target goal and success!
4) Set goals that are challenging and exciting. As a health coach, I believe that some goals should require you to grow (mentally) to achieve them. Jump out of your comfort zone: learn a new sport, seek out a workout partner, and educate yourself about fitness or nutrition . Expand on what you know or learn something new, but use this opportunity to grow mentally as you shrink physically.
5) Create an ideal environment. Are you really ready to lose the weight? Be prepared to do things a little differently. After all, the tactics you have used in the past didn't work, or they did, but temporarily. Set yourself up for success by making your environment "weight loss friendly." This can mean a different thing to different people, but here are some good places to start. Do a PANTRY CLEANSE. Start by throwing out foods that are high in sugar or fat. Load up your pantry and refrigerator with healthy snacks, fruits and vegetables. Prepare for the munchies by having something healthy on hand. Trouble keeping up with an exercise routine? Put your workout clothes the night before, get out of bed and get moving. Get exercising before you put too much thought into it. Keep a food diary. Know how many calories you take in a day and what your metabolism rate is. Put a picture on the refrigerator of you at your ideal weight as a reminder of your goal. Create an environment where your weight loss is supported.
I have the amazing opportunity to work with hundreds of people who face weight loss challenges daily. Following these steps will start you on a successful path to reaching your goals. Read your weight loss goal three times daily. Keep it in your pocket or purse, in your car or office. Sign up for free apps that track progress, calories or grocery lists. There is a multitude of resources out there to help you succeed.
What one action will you take today to get closer to your weight loss goal?
Brenda Mallett, MPH started her career as a wellness coach over 15 years ago, long before wellness coaching was the coined term. In 2007 she founded Salutary Inspirations, Inc. a Health and Wellness company focusing on health education and promotion and disease prevention. As a Holistic Health Coach, Brenda is able to help individuals overcome health obstacles, create positive health-FUL changes and create wellness plans that last a lifetime.
Contact Brenda Mallett at 866-668-5030 ext 801 or email .