What is power yoga ?

Power yoga is a kind of yoga with a high level of physical and vigorous-intensity work-out. It's becoming increasingly popular worldwide. Power yoga focuses more on free flow yoga than meditation and chanting mantras. The extreme free flow of asanas gives the flexibility to teach any poses, which makes every session different from others and highly dependent upon the approach of a yoga teacher.

Power yoga is a complete body workout that could be a fusion of basic yoga asanas with more of the high-intensity cardio exercises.

It is rightly said- “ Yoga is not only a workout; it is also working on yourself at the same time.”

What are the benefits of power yoga?

Below are some of the benefits of power yoga.

Makes your body flexible

A regular power yoga workout gives your body flexibility, making all the muscles flex. You realize after a couple of sessions that your body is in a position to stretch better. A versatile body means your muscles are active and you're less vulnerable to injuries.

Helps to remove toxins from the body

As power yoga is a strenuous workout, it warms up the body quickly and increases oxygen pumping in your body. It eliminates waste products and releases toxins from the body in the form of sweat. So, it cleanses and detoxes your body.

Helps in weight loss

Power Yoga is a high-intensity workout that involves the movement of all body muscles and hence makes weight loss quicker. It helps burn more calories than regular yoga because it is fast-moving and vigorous. You progress from one position to a different position quickly, which provides less time to rest and hence gives to more cardio output.

Helps you sleep better

Power yoga helps you sleep better (yoga for sleep) because it's an intense workout where each part is moved and also stretched in between the breathing exercises relaxes your mind. So, it is a complete body and mind workout which helps you sleep better.

Helps to improve certain medical conditions

By now we all know that yoga can reduce stress and boosts mental state. Many studies have shown improvements in high blood pressure, depression , migraines, sleep disorders, etc. If combined with healthy eating habits .

However, pregnant ladies and other people with serious ailments like hypertension, diabetes, or arthritis pain should avoid power yoga because it may be a strenuous physical activity. It's always best to consult your physician before trying power yoga.

Helps to reduce stress

A regular yoga practice will offer you amazing results by reducing stress and anxiety levels.
Practicing yoga makes the body more flexible, improves stamina, and allows you to breathe properly. Once you learn these techniques, together, it releases stress and relaxes your body and mind.

Builds your stamina

Power yoga is a fast-moving cardiovascular exercise during which your body moves from one asana to a different quickly without rest. During this, you lift your entire body's weight regularly. It gets your whole body moving, which successively builds core strength in muscles and refines blood flow within the entire body which improves the heart’s health.

Strengthens your muscles

Power yoga requires high strength, especially while doing advanced level asanas during which you're sometimes required to lift the whole body weight. Also, you'll be stretching your body and muscles which builds inner strength. In total, it is a whole weight-bearing workout which is great for building muscles and provides you a better sense of balance which helps to improve posture.

Boosts mental state

The meditation and breathing techniques of yoga allow your body and mind to attach. It boosts oxygen levels to your brain which helps in fighting depression . Yoga changes our lives in a positive manner which promotes a positive mental state and provides us a sense of gratitude , happiness , and contentment.

Kick starts your metabolism

Metabolism is a process of the body that converts the food we eat into energy. The metabolism depends on factors like gender, age, and physical activeness of a person's being. The power yoga kick-starts your metabolism as it is a high-intensity workout shift from one pose to a different pose quickly. It makes your body sweat and strengthens the endocrine system. This technique kicks metabolism in your body which can burn calories fast.

Helps to increase focus on mind

Various studies proved that yoga helps you to concentrate better and improve the ability to focus. It helps your body find balance. Through its many asanas or postures, it allows your mind to focus like for example, remaining still during a particular pose for a time and specific meditation techniques during which your mind and body connect.

Power yoga workouts

Power yoga is old wine in a new bottle which gained a quick pace within the last 20 years. While it's still within the framework of traditional yoga, there's a variation in the manner of practice.

It is quick and moves on to subsequent pose with none gap or rest. The effort is forceful and vigorous.

Try these power yoga poses. The listed below are the power yoga for weight loss .

Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose)

About The Pose—Ardha Chandrasana or the Half Moon Pose seems like a half-moon and is hence named so. It’s a power yoga pose for beginners. Practice it in the morning on an empty stomach or evening after a gap of 4 to six hours from your last meal and hold it for 15 to 30 seconds.

Steps to do it

Start with standing on the mat. Bring your right foot back so you're at a low lunge together with your left leg, hands framing the left foot.
From here, engage your core, lift your right foot, and straighten your right leg out behind you, balancing on the left leg together with your left on the ground.
Do make sure your left leg is strong by engaging your glutes and quads, lifting at the kneecap, and anchoring the four corners of your left foot, rooting into the earth for support.
Next step, rotate your right hip back, stacking it on top of your left hip. So instead of your hips being parallel to the earth, we would like it to be parallel to the right side wall of the area.
Next, energetically extend your right hand towards the sky, the palm facing the correct side of the room. Lift the shoulders out of your ears by gluing your shoulders blades onto your back.
Stay with it for five slow, deep breaths.
Slowly begin of it the same way you came in. Repeat the steps for the opposite side.

Benefits—Ardha Chandrasana strengthens your legs, buttocks, and spine. It stretches your hamstrings and opens your hips. Ardha Chandrasana builds coordination and balance.

Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

About The Pose—This pose is a backbend that resembles the stance of a camel. It works best when practiced in the morning on an empty stomach and clean bowels. Ustrasana is a beginner level Vinyasa yoga asana. Hold the pose for 30 to 60 seconds.

Steps to do it

Begin with sitting on your yoga mat during a tall kneeling position, together with your knees and feet on the ground. If not comfortable, keep them hip-width apart. You'll use a towel or pleat your mat under your knees for comfort. Keep your thighs perpendicular to the ground and your knees in line with the shoulders.
Place your hands into the lower back or on the hips. Fingers should be pointing down with the thumbs behind.
Now inhale and open up your chest and squeeze the shoulder back. Confirm your front groins don’t “puff” forward.
Remember, don't strain or flex your neck but keep it during a neutral position. The spine should be at such a height that it moves in and up and over with equal priority. With each exhale, gently push your thighs, hips, abdomen, and chest further forward and upward.
Evenly spread your weight through arms and legs. Attempt to stay during this position for a few breaths. If you are feeling any difficulty or breathing isn't natural, return to a less intense version of the Camel Pose where you breathe comfortably.
To exit, bring your hands at the hip points, onto the front of your pelvis. Draw up by inhaling and lift the top and torso by pushing the hip points down, towards the ground.
Rest in Child’s Pose or Savasana for a couple of breaths.

Benefits—Ustrasana strengthens your back and shoulders. It improves your posture and respiration. It relieves lower backache and strengthens your thighs. The asana works well for your overall well-being.

Salabhasana (Locust Pose)

About The Pose—Salabhasana or the Locust pose is a backbend that appears like a grasshopper. Practice it in the morning on an empty stomach or evening after a gap of 4 to six hours from your last meal. Salabhasana is a beginner level yoga asana. Hold it for 30 to 60 seconds.

Steps to do it

First, bring your arms down by your sides together with your palms facing the ground. Stretch your legs straight out behind you with the tops of your feet on the mat.
Bring your forehead or your chin to the mat in preparation. Roll your shoulders back and right down to open your chest.
Inhale and lift your head, chest, and arms off the ground. Keep your arms straight behind you. Reach through all 10 fingers and switch your hands so that your thumbs are pointing down. Keep sliding your shoulder blades down your back.
Engage your legs so that your knees lift off the ground. At the same time, try to not tighten your butt too much so that your tailbone has somewhere to go as you backbend. Press the tops of your feet strongly into the ground.
Keep your gaze on the ground just ahead of you so that your neck stays during a neutral position, not cranking up.
Lastly, stay in this position for 3 to 5 breaths. On an exhale, release down to the ground. Now turn your head to one side and rest on your cheek.

Benefits—Salabhasana strengthens the muscles of your upper and lower back. This pose relieves anxiety and calms your brain. It strengthens your arms and increases the endurance of your body.

Chaturanga Dandasana (Plank Pose)

About The Pose—Chaturanga Dandasana or the Plank Pose is an asana that's almost like a plank. Chaturanga means four-limbed because the asana requires the support of your four limbs. Practice it in the morning with an empty stomach. It's a beginner level Vinyasa yoga asana. Hold it for 30 to 60 seconds.

Steps to do it

Begin on your hands and knees, together with your wrists directly under your shoulders. Breathe smoothly and evenly through your nose.
Spread your fingers and press down through your forearms and hands. Don't let your chest collapse.
Now gaze down between your hands, lengthening the back of your neck and drawing your abdominal muscles toward your spine.
Tuck your toes and step back together with your feet, bringing your body and head into one line.
Keep your thighs lifted and take care to not let your hips sink too low. If your butt sticks up within the air, realign your body so your shoulders are directly above your wrists. Now draw your pelvic floor muscles toward your spine as you contract your abdominal muscles. Keep your head in line together with your spine. Broaden across your shoulder blades and your collarbones.
Drawdown through the bases of your index fingers — don't let your hands roll open toward the pinkie fingers.
Then press the front of your thighs that is quadriceps up toward the ceiling of the room while lengthening your tailbone toward your heels. Now hold the pose while breathing smoothly for five breaths. If you're using the pose to build strength and stamina, hold for up to 5 minutes. To release, slowly lower onto your knees, then press back to Child's Pose and rest.

Benefits—Chaturanga Dandasana increases your core stability. It invigorates your mind and body. The pose increases your stamina by strengthening your arms, legs, and wrists.

Read : https://www.amayaan.com/blog/benefits-of-power-yoga-workouts

Author's Bio: 

I am an avid blogger and my areas of interest includes health and wellness, lifestyle, travel, and life coaching.