The following are some notes, personal thoughts and short extracts from a manuscript ("spiritual") Craig is currently writing, as he learns more about and studies the life of Jesus. As he take notes, contemplates and shares these thoughts ("rather deep"), he learns more about his own "spiritual journey" ("We are all human beings on a "spiritual journey").

Craig is "working" on putting the pieces together; so is sharing these short extracts from different chapters . ("I'll put some pieces online, as I write the manuscript and sort out the sequence (not easy for me!). Enjoy, these writings "out there in cyberspace"... and if you want to use or republish, that's "perfectly OK" with me").

- craig

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In this "work", I aim, I hope to bring the reader into the presence of the living Jesus.

The Eagle

Strong, powerful, able to capture the vision, generous loving, trusting. A believer in the God, who believes in YOU.

Jesus was the highest revelation of God to humanity. (Hebrews 12)

He preached justice and peace , and how to lead a good life. Jesus understood society's problems and challenged existing beliefs. The universal message of God: opposing injustice and changing the world for the better.

Jesus was a "radical pacifist", who broke down barriers between people. Jesus was a free man, free in his mind and in his spirit.

PEACE Luke 19:41

The Kingdom will bring peace and prosperity . At an individual level, the transformation of individual beings into the divine nature and enabled them to be more like Christ himself.

"The Lord will give strength to His people The Lord will bless His people with peace ." - Psalm 29:11

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Instead of speaking too much TO God, listen, be open and let God speak more to you.

God is a mystery, a Creative Presence, who allows me to be who I really want to be and become.

Jesus understood society's problems and challenged existing beliefs. The universal message of God: opposing injustice and changing the world for the better. He preached justice and peace, and how to lead a good life.



"The difference between the vengeful God of the Old Testament and the loving God of the New Testament is that human consciousness was ready for a shift in perception." - Dr Deepak Chopra in 'The Third Jesus"

Jesus came to heal the broken-hearted, the broken in spirit (like you and I inevitably at some times in our lives). As with the prodigal son, he came to give hope, the greatest hope: that of new life, hope for a new beginning - one not divided by the past... but with hope for the future.

Shared by craig

"God is a mystery, a Creative Presence, who allows me to be who I really want to be and become. "

Together, one mind, one life at a time, let's see how many people we can impact, empower , uplift, encourage ... and perhaps even inspire to reach their fullest potentials."


Don't worry about the world ending today... it's already tomorrow in "little, scenic and tranquil" New Zealand

Author's Bio: 

About the submitter:

In his various writings Craig strives in some small way to break down social, cultural, religious and economic barriers through “planting, then sowing ideas as ‘seeds of hope’”. He believes that whilst we should celebrate our differences, what we share is way more important than what divides us.

The various books* that Craig "felt inspired to write" are available at
http://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/craiglock (e-books) http://www.creativekiwis.com/books.html www.lulu.com/craiglock and www.craigsbooks.wordpress.com

"The world's smallest and most exclusive bookstore"

A book is like a garden carried in the pocket.”- Chinese proverb

"A book is small enough to hold in your hand; but when you read it, the walls fall away and you're in a room as big as the world."

"A book, like a dog, is man's best friend, but inside it's too dark to read."

- Woody Allen (I "tink")

The submitter’s blog (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) is at http://en.search.wordpress.com/?q=%22craig+lock%22 and http://craiglock.wordpress.com

Together, one mind, one life at a time, let's see how many people we can impact, empower, uplift, encourage ... and perhaps even inspire to reach their fullest potentials."