Is your tendency to believe greatness has to look a certain way? Does this belief hold you back from your true greatness?

Your greatness is unique and reveals itself at the right time. You might as well be excellent until you’re great. But first, understand what this means.

What your greatness is will be unique, so it’s a waste of time and energy to compare yourself to others. What your greatness is may appear small; but to those it matters to (especially you), it’s anything but small or insignificant. Are the entertaining books of an author such as Janet Evanovich less great than the work of a heart surgeon? No; just different. I can tell you that the many episodes of toes-up laughter I experienced when I read her novel, “Plum Lovin’,” did my heart, mind, and mood tremendous benefit. I’m grateful she discovered and lives her greatness in a way that lets me benefit from it.

Do you have a green thumb that produces fruits, vegetables, or flowers that nurture others in a meaningful way for them? Do you have a gift for encouraging young children’s minds and self-esteem ? Are you a frustrated Thomas Edison type? A great quote of his is, “I had to succeed because I finally ran out of things that wouldn’t work.” That’s passionate commitment! One thing is certain: Whatever greatness is, it always leads by example. There are numerous levels of examples, including the simple art of how to enjoy life (which so many struggle with) even if you never perform a heart transplant or write a best-seller.

Maybe you haven’t identified what you’re great at yet. It’s the thing you love most to do or feel most alive or fulfilled when you do it, no matter what form it takes in the world. And as with anything, you start at the beginning and expand, enhance, develop, and grow into your greatness. You don’t start at the end result.

Greatness, though, is not only about what you do, it’s about who you are at your core of being. Do you seek to learn about and understand yourself and others? Do you deliberately nurture self-love and, therefore, love of others? Are you kind, compassionate, empathetic, friendly, of service in ways appropriate for you? Are you self-assessing and self-adjusting?

Until you get clear or in alignment with your inner and outer greatness, be excellent; and please, avoid perfectionism (I have never met an easy-going perfectionist). Release the definition of excellence used by others and aim for your personal best. Your personal best will be different from day to day. But you can ask yourself, “What would my best look like right now?” and “Do I feel I did the best I could at the time?”

Greatness appears early for some and later in life for others. There are individuals who amass experiences or overcome challenges until the day arrives when they are clear about what their greatness is: that which they have head-and-heart alignment about and a passionate commitment for.

If you feel you’re not living your greatness at this time, ask: Am I building my skills so that I’ll be ready when it’s time? Do I know what I really want to do but hesitate because of what others might think? Am I waiting until it’s too painful not to do it?

Until you know what your greatness is, or choose it, explore what excellence means for you. You won’t be bored.

Author's Bio: 

Joyce Shafer, LEC ( ) is an author and creator of the Reinvent Yourself life and business coaching program for new and struggling Law of Attraction users. Make Shift Happen! Design your life. Visit (free empowerment tools and newsletter). Her books and e-books are available at and discounted at her Web Store.