Please feel free to use this article as long as credit is given to the resource box.
© Copyright Arthur Levine, 2008
Words: 448
Keywords: Feel Young, Attitude , Positive, Hope, Plan, Future

This is getting boring. I am tired of feeling old. I looked in the mirror this morning and I don’t think I look old. I think I am paying too much attention to what other people think of people my age. No I am not going to tell you my age. I am turning over a new leaf. I am going to be as young as I think I should be. How about you? Would you like to feel young again? Would you like to look young again?

With many people it’s a matter of attitude . If you feel you are old, you will probably look old and act old. Stop acting like an old person and start feeling young again. You can do it.

When was the last time you took some time off to take care of yourself? Do you have a plan as to how to look and feel younger? Without a plan this is never going to work.

I think the first thing to do is to start to relax. Try and let go of the stress that is occupying a good part of your life. Stress is not your friend. Your best friend is yourself. You do want to help your best friend take care of himself or herself, don’t you?

Try and think about all the wonderful talents and skills that you have accumulated over the years. Think about all the things you have done right. Think about all the constructive things you can still do. That should make you feel younger. There are probably a lot of people half your age that can’t do what your experience has taught you how to do.

If you want to feel and look younger, you have to start to act younger. You have to allow yourself the luxury of doing things on impulse. You have to allow yourself to enjoy life. You have to stop worrying about everything that could go wrong. It is time to start thinking and acting positively.

I think what we all need is a fifty year plan for the future. If you start thinking in terms of the next fifty years, how old you are now begins to become irrelevant. Let’s start planning for the future. Let’s have hope. The best is yet to come if you feel and look young enough to enjoy it.*****

To find out how to look, act and feel younger, please access .

Author's Bio: 

Arthur Levine is the author of the novel Johnny Oops and the book The Magic of Faith. He specializes in writing articles about the New Middle Aged Group - those in their fifties and sixties plus. To read more about tis age group please visit