I take flaxseed oil (a very accessible Essential Fatty Acid or EFA) because in the past I didn't eat enough of the 'good' fats that my body needs. Remember the 80's? That was the beginning of the low-fat, no-fat, fat-free era. So I, along with many, many more women (and men!) tried to remove all fat from our world.

Now I didn't learn until about 1999 that there are these fats called Essential Fatty Acids. The word 'essential' should have triggered a clue to me that 'hey, maybe I NEED these fats!' Sure enough, we all do yet we eat too many of the hydrogenated fats (a.k.a. Big Mac and Fries!).

These fats (EFA's) are essential for 1) they are the building blocks for hormones, 2) it is the fuel for the brown adipose tissue that burns our metabolism, 3) it's the stuff our brain cells are made of and 4) it makes all the little coats on every single cell in the body keeping out the bugaboos (germs, etc., thus, it is part of our immune system).

Going back to #1, this is the vital reason I love the stuff. When I added this to my lifestyle, I ceased having any PMS symptoms! I have to track on the calendar for my little visitor now where before, I knew for 3 go 4 days ahead of time that it was on its way (cramps, aches, moody, etc.) The EFA's help regulate our hormone usage and production. And not just our sexual hormones, but our metabolism hormones too.

We usually think of hormones as just something that makes us a woman or man. But there are hormones that regulate our metabolism (burn FAT/ENERGY!). The EFA's are the 'kindling' to create that burn.

So it's no wonder that we have so many women, 20 years after the 'no-fat, fat-free, low-fat' decade struggling with weight loss , hormones during perimenopause, wrinkly skin, low immune system, etc. It's not because we are getting older, it's because we were not fueling ourselves with an ESSENTIAL nutrient! Well, it's back in my life and I couldn't be happier. This is one fat that is my friend!

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Kimberly Purcell, ND, has helped thousands of people change their habits from poor health to a commitment of a lifestyle of good health. Along with taking her own health into her own hands, she stayed healthy and fit right up to having a total hip replacement. By staying healthy and working out, she made a remarkable recovery in record time.

Along with enjoying a healthy lifestyle, Kimberly maintains a balance in her life by spending time with her husband, Dr. Harry Purcell, who inspired her on this healthy lifestyle journey. And she is blessed with 2 of the best Ragdoll cats in the world; Sebastian and Libby.