Sleep is a natural part of life, and while some people try to get by with as little as possible, packing their days and nights with activities, chores, work and play, sleep is essential to health and to optimal performance every day.

A basic need of the human body, sleep is also a basic need of the human mind. Without enough sleep, our bodies and minds cannot function properly and we cannot achieve the goals we set out to do. During sleep, our bodies take time to rejuvenate, and our minds take time to work through problems, to explore themselves and to rest. These activities are essential for your health and well-being. Most adults need about eight hours of sleep every day, but each individual is different. Children and teens need more sleep per night, and there is some evidence that as we enter our senior years, the need for sleep decreases somewhat.

What happens when we don’t get enough sleep?Missing a bit of sleep once in a while happens to everyone. Usually our bodies and minds react to lack of sleep by feeling groggy, foggy and just a bit slow. This interferes with daily routines and diminishes the ability to function at one’s peak. It can also cause one’s mood to be less positive.

If sleeplessness becomes chronic, the consequences become more severe. Chronic loss of sleep over a period of time will seriously diminish one’s ability to perform work on the job or at home. Sluggishness, forgetfulness, lack of concentration, slower reaction times and general malaise will begin to take over. This could result in accidents, injuries and even behavior problems. Your enjoyment of life will decrease and other’s enjoyment of you will decrease (because you will most likely be grouchy and lethargic). Without enough sleep, your body cannot repair and replenish itself, and your mind cannot take the time it needs from the constant bombardment of the outside world to perform the tasks that it must during sleep periods.

How can getting enough sleep help?
Getting the correct amount of sleep for you will allow you to operate at your peak while doing all the things you do during the course of your day. Working, learning , exercising and interacting with others will be easier and your results will be better if you’ve had plenty of sleep. You will be able to focus and concentrate more effectively. With enough sleep your mood will be elevated, so you will be happier and you’ll be able to take a more positive view of life, reacting in a more positive and constructive way to all things.

How can you be sure you’re getting enough sleep?In order to make sure you’re getting enough sleep, use these guidelines:

Eight hours a nightMost adults need eight hours of sleep each night. You may need a bit more or less. The way to gauge whether you are getting enough sleep or not is by waking up naturally. You can see what time you wake, compared to what time you went to bed (fell asleep), and do that for a few days. You will get an average amount of sleep you need from that. Make sure you do this when you are having “normal” days and evenings. If you are trying to do this over a holiday week when you are out partying until 2 AM and falling into bed with a belly full of beer, you won’t have accurate sleep times.

Wake laterIf you find that you are not getting enough sleep, you will need to adjust your bedtime or wake time accordingly.

Stay away from drugsFalling asleep naturally is the best way to fall asleep. Using drugs (prescription or recreational) or alcohol to fall asleep is not healthy, and your body and mind will not be able to do their “sleep work” as well. Prescription or over the counter sleep aids should be used infrequently at best and with the supervision of your doctor.

See a doctor if seriousIf you are having serious sleep issues, see your doctor for evaluation. Sleep can be disrupted by certain illnesses, physical conditions, hormonal fluctuations, certain medications, and stress.

Relaxation methods can help
Learn simple relaxation techniques for helping you to fall asleep such as deep breathing or guided imagery.

Sleep is one of the basic elements of great health and performing well in all aspects of life. Good, healthy sleep will do wonders for your body, mind, and mood. The importance of sleep cannot be stressed enough, so make sure you are getting all that you need.

Author's Bio: 

Winsome Coutts special topics include: Personal Development , Health and Wellness , Self Help and The Law of Attraction. For some great tools and info go to her website: