For the last few days, I've been sounding the alarm about the FDA's legalization of cloned cows, pigs and goats. My paper, The Washington Post, carried this story on Wednesday, January 16, placing the article on page three, underneath the "way more important story" that the local Red Cross office would cut some staff.

Who cares about having cloned meat enter the food supply… unlabeled? Who is protesting?

Not my newspaper, where all I've seen since was one short letter to the editor. England, now there people have been protesting about our decision. Americans, gee, why would we bother?

In the European Union, you won't find some of our beloved and questionable preservatives, like BHA and BHT. You won't be able to buy milk from cows who have been crazed by doping them to produce unnatural quantities of milk. Europeans get it. Evidently good quality and common sense matter more than greed.

Maybe the cause is their collective memory, dating back to the Roman empire. One reason it fell, historians say, was the style of plumbing. Lead in the pipes, who cares?


If you read auras, read the auras of Dolly, the cloned sheep or Scuppy, the cloned dog (both easy to find on Google, easier to find at my blog, ).

I believe the technical term for what you'll get is "Yeeeccccchhhhhh." You certainly won't find an aura . That's the point. Cloned animals are machines. Is eating machines good for a person energetically? Unless we protest, we'll find out soon enough.

Since I started having conversations on this topic, many people have said, in effect, "No big deal." They don't eat meat themselves. They never drink milk. They're appalled at all the cruelty foisted on our steroid-doped, hormone-doped non-organic cows. They don't see cloning as very different.

Well, they're wrong. A doped-up, miserable cow doesn't have a really inspiring aura . At least it is energetically alive. Frankenburgers and Frankenmilk might just as well be imported from Mars. Energetically, they are completely bizarre.

My friend Neville Johnson saw cloned cows one day while driving on a country road in Virginia. First he saw one calf with a cute little white patch on her face. Then Neville looked up and saw the rest of the herd, every single animal carrying that quirky little white patch. His comment was: "Once people eat animals like this, or drink their milk, we're going to see neurological diseases that make Parkinson's look like a picnic."

To help you, and your friends, consider the implications of this problem, I have posted a quiz here:

Try it! Or don't! But either way, please, invite everyone you know to take action.


After you write or call your local representatives in government, please contact your biggest newspaper, TV and radio shows to demand that they carry this story.

You're also invited to listen when I discuss this topic with media internationally. Check my blog for listings. It's "Deeper Perception Made Practical," .

Author's Bio: 

Rose Rosetree is the founder of Energy Spirituality, with over 100,000 of her how-to books in print. She offers phone consultations for healing auras, including 12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment™.

Sign up at her website for a free monthly zine.

Explore Rose Rosetree's books and articles about Aura Reading, Face Reading, and Skills for Empaths: or call toll-free 800-345-6665.

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