Sciatica is a common and debilitating condition. You may have been suffering on and off for years. You know the pain; it is in your lower back and runs into your leg… or does it?

The sciatic nerve has a definite pain pattern to it. It is formed by five nerve roots (small nerves exiting the spinal column) from the lower spine. Two nerve roots from the last two Lumbar joints and first three of the sacrum nerve roots (the wedge shaped bone at the base of your spine). These nerve roots combine to form the sciatic nerve.

The nerve then runs through the pelvis and runs through the Piriformis muscle, down the back of the thigh and to the foot.

Anywhere along the nerve can be irritated. If pain occurs then sciatica is created. Sciatica therefore has a definite pain pattern. The pain must be down the back of the leg, but not always accompanied by lower back pain .

For those of you who have pain in the front of the leg – you do not have sciatica. For those with general leg pain that occurs with lower back pain – do not have Sciatica.

For those who just have lower back pain with it going into the buttock – well you may be experiencing Sciatica at a lesser degree. Sciatica can come from serious causes such as disc problems, or from the combination of minor events such as muscle tightness and minor joint disruption in the lower back and pelvis.

One of the most common causes of Sciatica is a tight Piriformis muscle. This tightens because of pelvic instability, which allows the muscle to tighten, and then irritates the sciatic nerve.

Sciatica has become a basket term for any pain in the leg associated with lower back pain. Used commonly in the public arena, spoken to by friends and family like a club you belong to. For a definite diagnosis of sciatica you need to see a professional in the structural field - whether it is a Chiropractor, Physiotherapist, Medical doctor or whoever. But professional help is needed if your sciatic nerve pain is failing to ease.

Although sciatica is confused with other leg pains, it can be a serious condition. The early it is treated or the quicker you do something to change it, the faster it will disappear.

There are many ways you can use techniques at home to change your lower back and pelvis. From stretching exercises, muscle balancing techniques and even ways to improve joint mobility and flexibility. All these can easily and simply rectify most sciatica problems.
If you think you may not fit the typical sciatica profile, do not worry. Your pain is still real and easily corrected. Imbalances in the lower back and pelvis can affect the nerves running down the front of the leg. Same problem just different irritations. Corrected basically the same as the sciatica.

But please, if pain persists – see your doctor. Sciatica or non-sciatic nerve pain is easily corrected if you act early. Never wait too long and definitely never wait too late. Correct your pain as soon as you can. Sciatica doesn’t need to rule your life.

Author's Bio: 

Dr Graeme Teague is an expert in the structural field, and has been in practice since 1991. His newly launched web site The Back Pain Advisor - - strives to give you valuable and expert advice, tips and information on your back pain isues.

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