What your address book shows:

The type of address book that you purchase and the way in which you keep it discloses your relationship with others.

Cheap address book:Besides their being inexpensive, they’re actually quite disposable as many of your relationships tend to be. You do not usually stay at the same place too long. You and they alike have moved away from each other, whether physically or in your relationships, at the drop of a hat.

Expensive book:One reason why you spend a lot on your address book is because the people that you include in this book are quite dear to you. Certain people mean very much to you so that if they are allowed entry into your costly book, they have very special meaning to you. In contrast, many of those that do not get the chance to enter, you hold in little regard.

First name:
Keeping a record of your friends and acquaintances by their first name shows you to be quite casual.
Keeping old books :
Although your relationship with others may have ended, you emotionally want to hold on to them. It is not easy for you to admit that you and/or the others have actually changed.

Last name:Keeping an address book by last name only shows you are quite the formal type. You are not easily approachable, as you keep a healthy distance from the generalized other, this actually helps you to become more organized.

New book every year:
Because you transferred the names from last years book to the new year, you actually delete some of them and perhaps add some new ones. You want very much to be in control of those people that you want to be in contact with, in the here and now, and to disregard anyone that you have rubbed noses with. Though people may tend to see you as a bit stern, they would admit that at least you’re candid.

Penciled in names:The reason why you write the names in pencil is obvious, you’re not all that sure that you would like to hang on to this relationship. Any wrong that this name may do will be completely erased from out of your mind.

Pocket size:It is important for you to know that at a time of need, a close friend is always available for you to contact. Those people that you have listed you feel very close to. Regardless of where they may be, they are always in your heart.

No address book:Your important messages are written all over the place. Little scraps of papers are to be found everywhere in your abode. Although according to many this could actually show a high degree of intelligence, you haven’t been blessed with being highly organized.

Author's Bio: 

Joel Engel is the author of "Handwriting Analysis Self-Taught" (Penguin Books). For more information, please visit: http://careertest.ws www.learngraphology.com