Do you ever wonder if you suffer from anxiety mood disorders? If you suffer from the symptoms of an anxiety disorder if can be helpful to educate yourself about this condition and what can be done to achieve relief through natural methods. One of the first things you should know about anxiety mood disorders is that there are several different types of disorders and each one can differ by possessing distinguishing symptoms. In some cases, symptoms can cross lines, which can make diagnosis more complex, however.

Generally, an anxiety disorder is characterized by anxiety which is extreme and chronic, disturbing one’s behavior , mood and thoughts. Without treatment, the anxiety will typically grow progressively worse.

The different anxiety disorders include:

Panic Disorder-This is an anxiety disorder that is characterized by panic attacks that are repeated and unexpected. There is also usually an intense anxiety that appears between the occurrence of attacks. This disorder can lead to avoidance of situations in which one believes attacks may occur, resulting in agoraphobia.

Agoraphobia-This disorder can occur with or without panic disorder. The disorder involves the fear of being in any situation or place where one feels that it might be difficult to easily escape or where it would be difficult to obtain help. Generally, this is linked to the occurrence of a panic attack, but not always.

Social Anxiety Disorder-This disorder is also known as social phobia and is characterized by an intense fear of being humiliated by one’s actions in public.

Specific Phobia-This is an intense fear of something that actually poses very little to no danger.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder-Characterized by frightening thoughts or memories of a real ordeal that was terrifying, such as violence.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder-This disorder is characterized by exaggerated worry that is often unfounded.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder-Characterized by repeated unwanted rituals that feel as though they are uncontrollable.

Separation Anxiety Disorder-This disorder is characterized by a fear of being left.

While each specific type of anxiety disorder can have their own unique set of symptoms, common symptoms associated between the many types of disorders commonly include:

**Chest pain
**Shortness of breath
**Heart palpitations
**Abdominal pains
**Fear of dying
**Feelings of unreality
**Muscle tension

It is important to understand that you should never try to self-diagnose yourself as having an anxiety disorder. This diagnosis should only be made by a health professional. If you do suspect that you may have an anxiety disorder it is important to see your doctor, first to rule out the possibility of other health conditions. If necessary, your regular doctor may then be able to refer you to a mental health professional who can make a qualified diagnosis.

Remember that each anxiety disorder is different and therefore the techniques and methods that work to treat each disorder may vary from one individual to the next. It is important to understand; however, that as helpless as you may feel there are natural methods and techniques that can help you to reduce and even eliminate many of the symptoms associated with anxiety disorders.

Many of these techniques and methods, once learned, can be used right in the privacy of your own home to help you achieve relief. Other methods are quite portable and can be used to help you combat fear of social situations and truly get your life back. If you believe you suffer for anxiety mood disorders it is time to take the first step toward controlling your own life.

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