Can you decide to be positive in spite of the financial news? In spite of the stock market news? Can you decide to be positive in spite of any fears your mind says you should have about your money? Can you decide to be positive in spite of your mind telling you to be scared about your financial future?
The key word is “decide.” Can you decide? Your attitude , your outlook, your mood, your happiness is a decision. Your decision. You decide. Maybe you didn’t know you could decide. Maybe you thought you had to be pushed around by the news and the headlines. Maybe you thought your feelings are determined by forces out there which are out of your control. Now you know. You decide.
You decide to be happy. You decide to be unhappy. You decide to be bothered. You decide not to be bothered. You decide to be calm. You decide to be stressed out. You decide to feel unaffected by all that’s going on. You decide to be terrified by what’s going on. It’s your decision. You decide to be positive in spite of what’s going on or you decide to be negative and an emotional wreck. It’s your decision.
Your mind does not like you to hear this because your mind wants you to think your feelings are beyond your control. Your mind wants you to be the way you’ve always been. Negative and scared.
Deciding to be positive in spite of whatever is happening out there, is deciding to be happy, successful, abundant and peaceful. And you don’t need the 24 hour news and the talking heads. All that no longer determines how you feel when you decide to be positive in spite of whatever is happening. You decide.
Check and see what your mind has been telling you. Your mind has been telling you to watch all the news very carefully. Take in as much information as you can. Talk to everybody you know about how bad things are. Your mind has been telling you to figure out what you should do. Your mind has been telling you to worry. Your mind has been telling you to think this about this day and night. Your mind is saying you should be doing something but it doesn’t know what. Your mind is spinning you around in a blur of thinking, thinking, thinking, and sinking, sinking, sinking.
And, your mind is telling you to beat yourself up all about this. Beat yourself up because you should have made this move or that move. You shouldn’t have made this move or that move. Your mind is berating you because you have to watch all of this from the sidelines instead of being able to do something. Your mind is telling you to beat yourself up for all the, “if only” I had done this or that or not done this or that. Beat yourself up. That’s what your mind has you doing.
How does any of that help you? How does it help you to get tied up in knots? How does it help you to be nervous and scared? How does it help you to be miserable? How does it help you to beat yourself up? Take a look. It does not help you. It never helps you to beat yourself up. It never helps you to be negative about any subject or any person. Negative collects more negative like lint collects lint. Beating yourself up and being negative is getting you further and further down.Is the news getting you down? Of course it is, if you’re paying attention to it and letting it push you around. Of course it is, if you’re letting it make you scared and negative. Of course it is, if you’re beating yourself up. Of course it is, if you’re mad at politicians. Of course it is, if you’re joining in the blame game and getting angry at the “fat cats.”
It’s your decision. Be positive in spite of what’s happening. You will go up. Your attitude will go up. Your feelings will go up. You will be able to maintain peace and happiness .
Your life is your decision. Decide to be positive in spite of what is happening and watch what happens. Decide in favor of yourself. Decide to be positive in spite of whatever the news. It’s a decision. It’s your decision moment to moment. Decide to be happy. Try it. Find out for yourself.Find out that being positive in spite of whatever is happening brings you more and more things to be positive about. And, you never have to be touched by what’s going on out there. It’s your decision.
Most of the world lacks the skills and tools to be positive because they’re overcome by accumulated negativity. The Release Technique shows you how to rid yourself of the negative feelings blocking your abundance and stopping you from being positive. Go to today. Find a way out of all of this craziness. You can do it. Learn how to release. Thousands have changed their life and you can too. Decide. To have something different you have to do something different. Get the Abundance Course, learn the Release Technique and be positive in spite of whatever is happening.
Copyright 2008 by Lawrence Crane Enterprises. All rights reserved. Photocopying or other reproduction welcome if in its entirety.
Larry Crane has been teaching The Release® Technique to executives of Fortune 500 companies for years. He has personally trained businessmen, psychiatrists, psychologists, sports and entertainment celebrities, sales people, managers and housewives in the art of letting go of problems, emotions, stress and subconscious blocks that are holding people back from having total abundance and joy in their lives.
The Release Technique has been taught to over 100,000 graduates worldwide.The Abundance Course IS the Release Technique, the original Release Technique Method as taught by Lester Levenson.
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