Most people think they know what the most profitable skill is in the world, but most don't know. In fact, before you continue reading this article I want you to take a guess.

Finished guessing yet? Let's discover the most profitable skill in the world and take action to make it happen in our life.

I bet you didn't know that professional platform speaking is the most profitable skill in the world? Why is it?

We can mutually agree, public speaking is the #1 fear in the world. In fact the fear of public speaking ranks higher than the fear of a terrorist attack or death itself. Jerry Seinfeld said it best, "The person delivering the eulogy at a funeral would rather be in the casket, than giving the eulogy."

People simply fear public speaking and it supports the reality that if you have excellent speaking skills and you're passionate about manifesting a career in public speaking, you can make millions speaking.

How does one become a member of the most profitable skill in the world? I highly recommend you conduct some research about the speaking industry. Better yet, hire a professional speaking coach because they can help you save time and lot's of money.

If you're an aspiring speaker and decide to become a Lone Ranger, meaning you want to figure it out on your own, chances are you will not figure it out, make a lot of mistakes, and it will cost you dearly.

Hire a professional speaking coach to guide you on your journey. A speaking coach will help you establish your speaking business, in other words, you will quickly learn professional speaking is a real business, otherwise it will be the most expensive hobby in the world.

You will also have to decide what topic you're passionate about, hint, hint, find out what the top 10 speakers, talk about about, in other words focus on the top speakers and the topics they speak on because it will reveal the best topic areas.

For example, customer service will likely be one of the top topics, leadership is always a winner as is motivation .

Attend your speaking coaches training program, it will accelerate your learning and you will also be able to network with other likeminded people. Become a sponge and learn everything you can about the professional speaking industry.

For example, I'm CEO of the Wealth Building Academy, my company delivers the following speaker training program to attendees:

Event: Two-Day, Live Speaker Training

Title: Make Millions Speaking

Date: June 13-14, 2008

Location: National Harbor Hampton Inn & Suites
250 Watefront Street
Oxon Hill, Md 20745

Contact: Wealth Building Academy(800) 476-8976 or (240) 476-8976

Learn more at: or

Register to attend Make Millions Speaking and you will acquire the knowledge to learn the most profitable skill in the world. You will learn "insider secrets" of the best speakers in the world and position yourself to dig companies out of the current economic recession by inspiring, motivating, and empowering organizations and the people that work for them.

Learn the most prifitable skill in the world and make millions speaking. Live your passion as a professional fee paid speaker and live life on your own terms.

Author's Bio: 

Paul Lawrence Vann is one of America's top speaker coaches. He has been speaking professionally for over 22 years. Paul's first coach was the legendary, Dottie Walters, author of the book, Speak and Grow Rich. Paul Lawrence Vann is a professional member of the National Speakers Association, International Federation For Professional Speakers and Toastmasters International. Paul's clients include MasterCard International, United States Air Force Academy, John Hopkins University, Parkinson's Association, Internal Revenue Service, USEPA, National Mailitary Family Associaiton, and many others.