Recently I've been learning more and more about quantum physics. And while I can hardly claim to be an expert, what I'm learning is very useful as I run my business and live my life. Here's something I learned you might find helpful.

Quantum Physics tells us that everything is made of energy. I mean everything: People, rocks, water, dogs, cats, cars, food and dirt.


At first this might be hard to fathom. But keep trying. Keep an open mind and believe it. Because it helps explain a lot of things and it opens a lot of conceptual doors.

At the most basic, the most elemental level of existence, every person and every thing consists of energy.

For me this was not too hard to believe. Intuitively, I've known this for a long time. But, until recently, I've never thought of it formally, as quantum physics has us do.

But, here's the hard part (at least for me). It's not just tangible things (people, objects, etc.) that are made of energy. Intangible things are energy too. Thoughts, ideas, words, sentences, wishes, dreams , plans, goals and anything else you can think is made of energy.

Take a moment and let that idea sink into your brain. (It took me more than just a moment for this concept to stick.)

Now, let's talk about being positive.

I think we can all agree that being positive is a good thing. Being optimistic and happy are good for our emotional and physical well-being. For thousands of years, thought leaders have been reminding us of this.

Yet, most of us continue to dwell in the negative for much of our lives. We criticize ourselves. We judge others. We complain. We whine. We wish things were different. We pine for days gone by or we focus too much on the future and we neglect the present.

We're surrounded by bad news on the TV, radio, newspaper, magazines . If it's not bad new the media is shoving at us, its messages that tell us we're too fat, too bald, too ugly, too broke and too depress

If we turn off or tune out the news, we still can count on friends, family , co-workers and neighbors to tell how horrible the world is.

All we hear is how bad things are or how we should be.

Rarely do we hear how good we are and how wonderful our world is. Rarely do we tell ourselves how good we are. We neglect to tell others around us how valuable they are.

Too many of us are swimming in a churning, foaming sea of negativity.

Okay, let's go back to quantum physics.

The next thing we need to understand is that the universe responds to the observer. This is possible because everything is made of energy. Quantum physicists have demonstrated this fact. They look for a particle and it appears. They look for a wave and it appears.

The idea is that there is no reality without the presence of an observer. The energy of the universe molds itself to show the observer what they are looking for, what they are seeking. I can't explain why it works, but I firmly believe it does work.

The bottom line is this: We attract or create what we think about.

Some people call it the Law of Attraction (like attracts like). It doesn't matter what you call it. What matters is that you understand and believe it.

Philosophers, spiritual leaders and motivational speakers have been telling us this stuff for centuries. But now, the awesome power of modern science is backing up their message.

We create our own reality.

We do this because everything (including our thoughts) is made of energy.

So, if our thoughts and attitudes are made of energy that's negative, it makes sense we will attract other things to us that are made of negative energy. Since we are also made of energy, this will add negative energy to our own selves.

But, if our thoughts and words are positive, then we'll attract other things to us that consist of positive energy.

Then, we'll add that energy to our own.

Either way, we choose the type of energy that is attracted to us every day.

Good or bad, positive or negative, it's up to us. The universe will give us what we want. All we have to do is choose.

Author's Bio: 

"Keep your customers coming back again and again!" That's the motto Kevin Stirtz lives by and he has helped hundreds of businesses do just that. Known as the "Remarkable Service Guy", Kevin helps organizations deliver Remarkable Service to every customer, every day, all the time, no exceptions. You can contact him at 952-212-4681 or at