Can't Sleep? Try Hypnotherapy

Every now and then, I bet you have trouble either falling asleep or being able to sleep through the night. If you find that this is a regular occurrence, then you are experiencing insomnia. Living with insomnia has a definite impact on how well you are able to function throughout the day.

The chronic sleep deprivation that comes with the territory when you are living with insomnia means that you have far fewer energy reserves to draw on during daylight hours. It also affects your body's immune system, so you can look forward to getting sick more often. Your ability to concentrate will be impacted, and you are at an increased risk of being involved in an accident while driving, at work, or while at home.

What Causes Insomnia?

The causes of insomnia are numerous and it may not be easy to get a handle on exactly why you are suffering from this sleep disorder. If you are anxious, depressed, or bored, then you may also be experiencing insomnia. Your prescription medications may be the root of the problem. (Your doctor or pharmacist can review what you are taking and advise you if sleep disturbances are one of the side effects to your medication.) It's also likely that you will develop insomnia as part of the aging process.

How a Good Hypnotherapist Can Put You to Sleep

Insomnia is a treatable sleep disorder. You don't have to simply put up with it. One treatment option you may not have considered is hypnosis .

According to Simon de Lides ( ), one of the things that can happen to you if you are living with insomnia is that when it's time to go to bed, you find that your mind won't shut down. No matter what you try to do, it starts racing and pondering everything from a pressing problem at work to what your Aunt Sally meant by that comment she made to you at the family reunion last year. Instead of being able to get the rest that you need, you are kept up with all of these random thoughts. No matter what you do to try to stop them, they just keep coming. Does this sound familiar?

A qualified hypnotherapist can teach you how to calm your mind when you want to go to sleep. Once you have mastered this technique, you will be able to call it a day and let those concerns go until you wake up again. Your body needs regular sleep to be able to repair itself and to be able to function properly. If your mind is working overtime at night and getting in the way much needed rest then it makes perfect sense to get help from a professional to overcome your difficulty.

Doesn't this make more sense than treating the symptoms only by asking your doctor to give you something to help you sleep? The quality of sleep you get by taking medications is not the same as a natural sleep. At best, this is only a temporary solution, since you probably don't want to be taking sleeping medications for an extended time.

Let a professional help you to get to the underlying problem that is causing your insomnia and deal with that. In your subconscious mind, you have the power to create a positive mental picture of yourself and your life. By taking charge of your sleep difficulties and overcoming them, you can start a new phase in your life where you feel calm and confident, not to mention well rested. It all starts with you, and the key is to be able to shut off the distractions of everyday life when you need to rest.

Modern technology was supposed to make our lives better, but it seems as if all these conveniences have only raised the bar on our self-expectations. We are all trying to cram more and more into our daily lives; and we weren't meant to live that way. Let a hypnotherapist teach you how to slow down your mind so that you can get the rest you need.

Author's Bio: 

Simon de Lides practises hypnotherapy in Los Angeles, and worldwide by telephone. Trained as an engineer and with extensive professional and business experience, Simon graduated from the Hypnosis Moviation Institute in 2001. He has worked with clients ranging from show business to the medical profession to entrepreneurs. Contact Simon at 1-800-880-5597 or see his Hypnotherapy Web Site .