Winter is upon us, which means it is a natural time to go within ourselves and work through feelings that have been tossed aside during the holiday rush. When these feelings come up, they can at times feel relentless. All that is really happening is that our emotions are trying to get us to pay attention to what is really important - Staying connected to your authentic self.

Your authentic self does not carry the worry and stress that you do in your daily life. That is something that we create. So, the question really is how do we get back in touch with our authentic selves because once we do the weight of our emotions (and the world) will dramatically decrease.

Tips to getting back to you:

1. Meditate: 5-20 minutes each day with a focus on clearing your mind is all it takes.
2. Dance: One song will instantly bring more joy in your heart.
3. Be Free: What I mean by this is follow your intuition or your inner voice rather than what your mind. Your inner voice tells you what you truly want to do while your mind will keep you a slave to doing what you ought to do.
4. Read: To remember who we truly our in this world that tries its hardest to constantly distract us from our truth takes reiteration. Reading that supports us to remember our spirit is important fuel for our spirit and mind.
5. Stay Diligent Against Lower Energies: Winter can be a time to cozy in with ourselves or disconnect by watching too much television, over eating, surfing the internet, etc.. Instead, participate in activities that nourish you.
6. Eat Healthy: Our bodies need nourishment that supports us to live full of energy to give to ourselves with others. When you are turning to comfort food, it is really your authentic self that wants comforting by you and not food.
7. Ignite the Fire Within You: Keep your body active. Going for a walk, yoga, exercise and sex are all great ways to keep your body happy and engaged.
8. Rest: Winter is the perfect time to restore our bodies. Cosy in and fill your inner well with the rest you truly desire and need.

Remember that winter is the perfect opportunity to nurture ourselves from the inside out. To be able to tap into the passion that is within all of us, it requires replenishing our inner well. Once that well is filled up, the energy and passion that we have for life is overflowing. Taking the time to commit to ourselves is a way of truly declaring our love for ourselves. You won’t just be talking about it, you will be actually doing this just for you.

Once you make that declaration, you will be surprised at how much easier life is. Use these steps this winter so that once that well is filled, you become an unstoppable force toward creating the life you deserve to live! For more information, please visit and .

Author's Bio: 

Michelle Bersell is a professional speaker, life coach and psychotherapist who has earned a Masters in Clinical Psychology as well as a Masters in Education. Recently, she has written a book titled Emotional Abundance: Become Empowered. Bersell also leads retreats and seminars while maintaining a busy private practice. Thousands read her “Mentality Gal” column in Citigal Magazine.

Television, radio, print and internet media turn to Michelle Bersell as “America’s Emotional Well-Being Expert.” Women’s World Magazine, Every Day with Marcus and Lisa, and many others have turned to Bersell due to her unique approach that explains away myths that keep people stuck and limited from living an empowered and passionate life. Bersell is a regular guest for television news shows on which she guides audiences with tips as to how they can live their lives with greater ease.

Bersell understands firsthand the reasons people feel challenged at times with their emotions and fears. Even after being trained as a psychotherapist and life coach, there were times of her own uncertainties that would leave her feeling stuck, lost and frustrated with herself and life. Other times, she would feel as if life was fine.

After years of not understanding the up and down nature to her feelings, Bersell was guided to extraordinary insight. Each morning she was awoken at 4:30 a.m. to write, as the common mistakes and myths regarding our emotional well-being were revealed to her. Bersell now leads thousands of people away from the common misunderstanding that they have about themselves and their emotional well-being in order that they can live life with passionate intensity. Bersell knows from experience that through this passionate intensity state, there is no stopping what one can achieve.