What is MLM? MLM stands for Multi Level Marketing. Another term is Network Marketing. MLM is a system of marketing and delivering products or services directly to the end user. Goods or "services" are moved through a network of distributors.

It's fun, rewarding and life changing. The best part, MLM Success can change your life.

MLM is a real business and does require work. Here are some facts to consider about MLM and Network Marketing. So many people think riches and success will come over night. So, they jump from company to company trying to find the next best thing. Think about this. Don’t most people go to college at least four years to prepare for their chosen industry? Well, our industry isn’t any different. Commit 3-5 years to your MLM Business. And the best part, you can earn while you learn.

You also want to realize not all of your family and friends will be on board with your new business. Actually most won’t. Don’t take it personally, it’s simply lack of education about the MLM industry. So, surround yourself with those who share your burning desire not those that don’t understand it.

Did you know the only people who don’t succeed in MLM are those who quit or don’t commit? Be willing to do what most others won’t.

MLM success all starts with you. Your business growth will be a direct reflection of your business growth. Develop yourself and your business will grow. Never stop leading. Leaders lead, they do not manage.

Duplicate what others leaders are doing. Duplicate as much as you can. Study what others have done to be successful. This is really important in the beginning. Then, begin to explore new ideas to match your personality and niche. You will discover what is right for you.

Set goals and write them down. Have a plan, but remain flexible. This allows you to put an action plan into place, but remember, it may need to be altered along the way.

Be positive. Feed your mind with positive thoughts and influence. Stay away from the naysayers. When you reach success, they will become curious. Surround yourself with those who have what you want. Learn from them and pay attention. Focus on the positive and celebrate your success along the way.

Work your business consistently. How many articles will you write? How many social network sites will you participate in this week? How many phone calls will you make? Control the actions you can and stay consistent.

Never give up. I said it before. Those who don’t find MLM Success are those who quit or don’t commit. Put your blinders on, stay focused and be ready for an amazing journey. It might just change your life.

Author's Bio: 

Lisa Willard is a wife, mom and Network Marketing coach. She is proof you can begin your home business part time around a Corporate job, small children and a very busy life. The keys are focus, consistency, and a burning desire.

Her passion is utilizing the Internet and empowering others to strive for their goals and dreams. Get to know Lisa better and sign up for her free report at www.network-marketing-success-tools.com