When you are sealed God will give you great Wisdom--He will share His own Wisdom with you. This sets you apart from the serpent and the wisdom of his character, serpency.

God created the world and what surrounds it in seven days. On the fifth day He created the first man, Adam. He shaped Adam out of the earth and breathed spiritual Life into him.

This is how God will seal you. He will shape you out of the earth too. And breathe spiritual Life into you. He will set the Seal upon your forehead and you will share in His Wisdom .

The Seal is impressed upon your soul in the shape of the earth, just like God created Adam out of the earth. It is the shape of a special place in the earth--the place a single wheat Seed is sown.

Jesus is the wheat Seed sown in you. Whenever a wheat seed grows up to fruition, its fruit is a cluster of seeds. That means there is more seed to sow upon the maturing of that single first seed.

You too will have more seed to sow after just your first harvest, for when Jesus bears Fruit it will be more seed for you to sow as you wish. So your garden will grow along with the growth of the wheat.

Your garden will grow in size, reaching no limits until it spans the entire earth. When Jesus bears Fruit you will sow that as the message, and when the message bears fruit you will sow it as the believers in the message.

The message and the believers will be wheat seeds just like Jesus. Yet no matter how big your garden grows it will always be indicated by the Seal upon your forehead, that tiny piece of ground ready to grow a single Seed.

Jesus needs the earth in order to grow. He also needs to breathe the air. And He needs the sunlight and water too. God provides the other three in His three Persons and you provide the earth.

God the Father sanctifies your own Spirit until you provide it as air to the seed growing in your garden. Jesus provides the light the seed needs to grow. And the Holy Spirit provides the water necessary for Life.

So with the help of the three Persons of God and the soil of your soul, you are able to feed the seed of Jesus, the message, and the believers in the message. This is done by the Wisdom of God.

The Wisdom of God grows up the message and believers in it. And you are an essential part of the Wisdom of God. That is why you are sealed upon your forehead. That indicates God is involved in what you think.

Your own thoughts are part of the Wisdom of God because when you are sealed your thoughts are close to God. You think not only of God and about God, but you think also with God.

The serpent was known for his serpency. His wisdom was a natural wisdom . He stopped worshipping his creator and worshipped what God had created. He worshipped wisdom but it was own undoing.

When you are sealed you will no longer be known for the wisdom of serpency. You will share in God's Wisdom and contribute with your own wisdom in the garden of God when you receive the Seal.

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And now Jason would like to invite you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian? and "Get God's 'Seal of Approval' and Get the Victory Over Evil"
Jason Witt