When you receive the Seal you believe in Jesus Christ. You believe that He was the Messiah who was foretold by many ancient seers. As sealed and a believer you are known as Messian.

Being Messian is different from being Christian. Because regular Christian people are not sealed. They have not received the Seal of God in spite of what some Christian leaders will tell you.

Some Christian leaders teach that everyone was sealed when they believed Jesus. Or that everyone received the Holy Spirit when they received Jesus. This is simply not true and believing it is being deceived.

You can be sealed and you can receive the Holy Spirit. But it does not automatically happen when you believe that Jesus is your Savior, or that Jesus is the Son of God or that He rose from the dead.

And it definitely does not happen when you confess any of these things. Truly you can only confess and believe Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. But that does not mean the Holy Spirit has come to live within you or that you are sealed.

To receive the Seal you need to follow the teacher who is sealed. That teacher is the one that knows about it. The sealed person is an expert on being sealed and can tell you from experience.

Furthermore the sealed person is an authority in interpreting the Bible and ancient prophecy as well as what God is saying to you today. God is offering you the chance to become sealed today. It was not offered in history.

But prophecy did tell us about becoming sealed. And prophecy tells us about the sealed person too, as well as the Messiah Jesus. Prophecy foretells the leader who speaks the words of God--the sealed person today.

Jesus Himself said you should believe the sealed person. He elevated the sealed to a godly level, lifting the Seal up out of the profanity of the common teachings of uninspired religious leaders.

When you receive the Seal and believe Jesus is the Messiah you are Messian. But that is when you also become a leader much like Jesus. You become a spiritual leader who guides the people in truth.

Because God is offering the Seal to people of this millennial generation. Much has been foretold about the millennium. Many religious leaders anticipated the return of Jesus in the millennial time which is of particular biblical importance.

And it is important because God did foretell this generation. This was when the sealed person would appear and offer true salvation to the people. And not just salvation but spiritual Life.

Spiritual Life that is so close to God that there are sometimes no boundaries. Spiritual Life with great peace . And not only with peace but with joy. With the pleasure that God Himself feels.

Can you consider the sealed person to be a messiah too? The sealed person is not Jesus Christ and is not your Savior. But the sealed is the most important spiritual leader of this generation.

The sealed person will increase your faith and bring you closer to God. That is what Jesus sent the sealed person for--so you can know new spiritual Life and so you too can receive the Seal.

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And now Jason would like to invite you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian? at www.sealsecrets.com and visit to learn about being sealed at www.sealofthesoul.com
Jason Witt