When you receive the Seal you will also experience the signative sealing. The signative is when God grants you faith in Him. You need this--without His help you could not receive His Testimony. But with His help you receive it and share it with others.

The signative sealing was first taught by John the Baptist. He is the one who first revealed it to you, and now you have the experience of a sealed person teaching you.

The disciples of John the Baptist came and questioned him about Jesus. Who was this Man? Was He the Messiah? What should they believe about Him?

“You are my witnesses,” John said, “of how I said I am not the Christ—but I am the one sent before Him. He who has the Bride is the Groom; and the Groom’s friend stands and listens, rejoicing with joy because of the Groom’s voice.”

John was confessing he was not the Christ. The sealed person is not the Christ either and anyone who is sealed can readily confess not being the Christ. Jesus is the Christ and Messiah and is the Groom of the Bride.

When you are sealed you will become the Bride of Christ. You will plan to marry Jesus. And like John the Baptist who was the friend of the Groom also, you are both Bride and friend of the groom Jesus when you are sealed.

John the Baptist was the friend of the Groom as the Prophet who prepared the Way for Jesus. Of course John the Baptist was also the Bride, and like him you too will be both friend and Bride.

“Thus my joy is fulfilled,” said John. “He must grow, and I must diminish. He who comes from above is above all; he who comes from the earth is of the earth and speaks of the earth.”

John the Baptist testified that Jesus came from above. But he also knew about the one who comes from below. That one who comes from below is the sealed person speaking of the Seal.

The sealed person is going to Heaven but did not come from Heaven. God sent the sealed person but sent him or her from the earth. The Seal is a garden growing the fruit of the Message of Jesus. As a garden it is therefore from the earth.

“The one who comes from Heaven,” John said, “is above all. He witnesses to what He has seen and heard, and nobody receives His witness. He who receives His witness seals that God is true.”

Nobody alone can receive the testimony of God, not even the sealed person. But when God helps that person to understand Him, that person is then able to seal that understanding upon the self and upon others.

“For He who God sent,” John said, “speaks the message of God. For God gives immeasurable Spirit. The Father loves His Son and has put all things into His hand. He who trusts in the Son has eternal Life.”

God sent Jesus from Heaven to speak to words of Truth to you. But God also sent the sealed person to speak the Message of Jesus in this world, because Jesus is not always directly accessible to people in this world.

God will seal you with faith in His Truth. Then you will also be sent from God to carry that Message of Truth to others in the world. And the Holy Spirit within you will be unlimited so you can experience endless and immense joy.

God will seal you with signative faith in Him. Even though you come from the earth, you are sent from God. And you will share the Message of Truth with others, sealing His message upon them.

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And now Jason would like to invite you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian? at www.sealsecrets.com and "Get God's 'Seal of Approval' and Get the Victory Over Evil" at www.sealofthesoul.com
Jason Witt