When you receive the Seal you begin to seek God every day. This seeking is your quisition. You want to know what God's Plan is for your life. And when you know His Plan and do it God will prosper you too.

When you are sealed you always seek Heaven first. Your needs in this world are not as important as your need for eternal Life. Just like your sufferings in this world can not compare with the eternal pleasures of Heaven.

You may suffer in this world because you have need. Part of God's Plan is to prosper you but that does not always mean that you will become wealthy. And you may wait for years for your wealth when it does come.

“Do not,” Jesus said, “be careful, saying, ‘What will we eat and what will we drink, or what will we wear?’ For all this all peoples require. Your heavenly Father realizes that all these things together are a necessity.”

These three things Jesus mentioned are considered "basic needs" of people in the world today. Food, drink, and clothing are some of your most basic needs. And these are among the biggest of the markets in the world today.

They are the biggest because they are basic needs--everyone has need for them, even those who are not wealthy. The poor still eat and drink and wear clothing. But they are also big markets because most people seek variety.

Indeed variety can be considered a basic need. It is known that eating a variety of foods is better for your health than eating just a few of the same foods every day. And variety in clothing is often a practical necessity.

God understands. He realizes your basic needs. He even realizes your need for variety. God does not just want you to meet your basic needs. God wants to prosper you too.

God wants to seal you. He wants to write His Name upon you. And He wants to prosper you then because you belong to Him. He wants to bless His own people. And when you are sealed you will grow closer and closer to Him, closer to Heaven.

So you renounce all carefulness. You give up all anxiety about meeting your needs. You used to be anxious but you are no more. If you are ambitious you release all anxiety that once went with it. You stop worrying.

“Seek first,” Jesus said, “the kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and all these will be increased for you. Care not for tomorrow—tomorrow will care for itself. Enough for each day is the damage done in it.”

It damages you to care for your needs, even your basic needs. It occupies your thoughts and feelings when you could be thinking of God and feeling that way too. And enough of it happens each day. You do not need any more.

But when you are sealed you will be seeking the kingdom of God in quisition. And you will follow God to prosperity . He created the world full of abundance and He will lead you there when you seek Him daily.

God will lead you to abundance but first you release your cares and worries and follow God. You follow the message of the Seal. Then you can follow God Himself in your own thoughts and feelings.

Seeking the kingdom of God daily is your quisition. You seek His Desires instead of your own. He has Dreams for you. He has Visions for you and Plans. You seek to know those Plans.

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And now Jason would like to invite you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian? at www.sealsecrets.com and "Get God's 'Seal of Approval' and Get the Victory Over Evil" at www.sealofthesoul.com
Jason Witt