When you receive the Seal you start to guard yourself against false prophets, some of whom are masquerading as Christian leaders. These are the pseudoprophetic teachers, who you will learn to avoid

You trust the message of the Seal. That is how you become sealed. When you trust the message of the Seal and trust God, He will set His Seal upon you.

You know the voice of your messenger, just like you know the voice of Jesus. You can recognize it. But the voices of the pseudoprophetic teachers are the voices of strangers, even though they claim they are your friends.

Sadly even those who teach about becoming sealed may teach false teachings. It is possible. False teachings are those teachings that come from people instead of coming from God.

Every culture and body of people on earth has at least a little tradition, and these traditions are usually of people. Traditions often contain valuable knowledge and teach about history, so they are important.

But they are not important to God. He does not think like people think according to their traditions. And He does not feel like people feel by their traditions. So why should this matter?

It matters because you want to share your thoughts and feelings with God. You want Him to consider how you think and feel. And you care about what God thinks and feels as much as you care about yourself.

Many Christian leaders today are teaching the teachings of people instead of those that are of God. You want to be of God, from God, by God, about God. You want to be with God in everything you think and feel.

That is not always easy. Satan is seeking your hearts and minds too. People influence you for better or for worse. And then you have your old natural self, sometimes your worst enemy.

It is difficult enough to fight the devil, the world, and your own questionable inclinations. You do not need a religious leader who is reinforcing any of those things by teaching about people.

Jesus warned you against false prophets. And His sayings about them are well-known. "Take heed of the false prophets," Jesus said, "the ones who come to you in clothing of sheep, but inside are predatory wolves."

The pseudoprophetic may arise from within the ranks of the Christian church. But what is even worse is when the pseudoprophetic are those religious leaders you are tempted to trust.

You will know them by their fruit. Do they produce thorns instead of fruit? Or is their fruit rotten because their tree is rotten? And how will you know when they bear thorns or rotten fruit?

You compare their teachings to the teachings of the Seal, along with the teachings of the Bible. The Bible is not enough--you need to know what their position is on becoming sealed as well.

When you are sealed you will begin to watch for pseudoprophetic teachings, including those within the guise of Christianity . And you will cherish the teachings that revealed to you the truth--how you received the Seal.

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And now Jason would like to invite you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian? at http://www.sealsecrets.com and donate to get the ebook Seal of the Soul at http://www.sealofthesoul.com
Jason Witt