When you receive the Seal you will become proherent for God. Proherence is representing God on earth, once you have stuck so close to Him that the two of you are as inseparable as Adam and Eve.

God created the world and the sun and moon and everything else surrounding it in seven days. On the fifth day He created the first man, Adam. And He created the animals of the earth and the birds of the air.

He did not immediately make a companion for Adam. He waited patiently before He created the first woman. Adam, however, was not so patient. He wanted his companion--he needed her! And he needed her today.

That was God's Plan. And it worked well. God was able to arouse great feelings of love and devotion in Adam for his wonderful companion Eve. He made him wait for her, and in waiting he developed devotion.

Adam could not feel that way about any of the animals or birds. They were companions, but they were not like him enough to satisfy him. Besides, they all had companions of their own. Why did he not have one?

Of course Adam was not really alone. He had God as his Companion. And God was the ultimate Companion. God had breathed spiritual Life into Adam, so they shared a spiritual likeness none of the animals or birds knew of.

God had shaped Adam out of the earth the same way He will shape you when He sets the Seal upon you. The Seal will impress you so you are in the shape of the tiny piece of earth that is the ground for growing a single wheat Seed.

Jesus will be the first wheat Seed sown in you when you receive the Seal. When He grows up and bears fruit you will have more seed to sow. And you will have different kinds of seed.

He will bear fruit that you can sow again and multiply yet more. He will bear fruit of the Message, and He will bear fruit of other believers in the Message. All this fruit you can keep sowing again in your garden until your garden grows too.

First the single wheat Seed Jesus Christ grows in your garden. And then your garden itself grows, ultimately with the potential of spanning the whole globe. This is what Jesus will do for you.

You will become devoted to God--devoted to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You will stick close to God as proherent. Because when you stick close to God you represent Him in the world.

As proherent you teach people what God is saying to the world today. You can teach individuals and you can teach groups of people. When you are sealed God will write His Name upon you.

Since you are sealed in your forehead you will think of God often. Your forehead is right there where you think your thoughts. Your thoughts will be proherent, sticking close to God always.

Bearing the Name of God you will be expected to represent Him in the world today. You no more represent a faithful follower of God but you represent God Himself when you receive the Seal.

"A man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife," said Adam of proherence, "and the two shall become one flesh." Like Adam you will become proherent when you cleave to God and receive the Seal.

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And now Jason would like to invite you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian? at www.sealsecrets.com and "Get God's 'Seal of Approval' and Get the Victory Over Evil" at www.sealofthesoul.com
Jason Witt