We live in an ever-changing world with extraordinary pressures and extreme rates of acceleration. It is with great ease we fall back into old forms and habits of mind; into entrenched belief systems that dictate traditions and realities which are disintegrating before our very eyes.
It becomes more and more necessary to find and live from 'within the Wellspring within' where Silence exists; where answers can be heard ~ and where distractions ~ and offerings of old form ~ do not hold sway.
We just have to find it -- and then, of course, choose to live from within it.
THAT is when the REAL Work begins!
The Center of the Circle holds the male/female point of balance; the dynamic center of creation.
It holds the open feminine vessel within each of us; the Yin of You -- the Divine Feminine -- an undeniable part of your inner nature.
The question is not really of its existence but of its state of existence.
Is your inner feminine open?
This is a state of consciousness alive and kicking; an awake, actively participating awareness that lives within us and dictates functionality both on the Earth and multi-dimensionally.
This functionality at best is conscious and integrally employed, and at worst, unconscious and acted out.
Walking into the Center of the Circle is the Initiation of Woman.
It is also the Initiation of Man.
BE VENUS is an 'energy platform', if you will, constantly creating Itself, born of consciousness held – and available -- which for so long has been dormant inside too many, at best.
It is available for the gathering by all who seek it.
In these times of expanded consciousness on this Earth, BE VENUS can be accessed, harnessed, anchored, held, cherished and 'employed' on a day-to-day, moment-to-moment basis.
Do you want that as a part of your life unfolding?
It would change your life.
To choose to find this aspect, and explore the dynamics, opens a deep, profound experience of an aliveness within you.
To find, empty and open this vessel to fill, indeed brings one to a destination point that is not a material destination, but rather, a passively-active, dynamic state of Being.
Who IS she?
She is within you.
She is the silent role model of our New World; Man and Woman living from within the reclaimed feminine; presencing selfhood in daily life and choices made.
To BE VENUS means just that; to walk the red, red road; to touch, hold and live from the Center of the Circle with each step taken in daily life.
This is a spiritual interface housed in spiritual law, combined with the integral Earth-walk of the inner feminine, vessel intact.
How do you get to Center?
One starts by commitment to self-discovery; to actively commence the journey and finding the markers along the way that guide you -- and then to live from that aliveness.
What if the Holy Grail is inside of you?
Ani Lea is a practitioner in the alternative field of the healing arts and has been delivering in American and abroad for the last 19 years. She offers individual sessions, emotional body clearings, spiritual retreats in Chartres, France, and delivers a 7 day practical Apprenticeship in the Art of Spiritual Healing for individuals from all walks of life.