When you receive the Seal God will create you like He created the first man. He gave the first man Life by breathing His pnoezoic Breath of Life upon him--and that was what gave Life to the garden.

When you are sealed you will be created anew like the first man. God shaped the first man out of the earth. This is how God will put the Seal upon you. He will shape it out of the earth.

And with the shape of the earth the Seal will be soil for seed to grow in. It begins as one tiny plot of land ready to feed one seed with Life. The Breath of Life was all the seed needed to have Life.

Your seal is from the earth and in the shape of the earth. Likewise it has Life within itself, Life it can give to growing green things. This soil is one element needed to support Life in the garden.

Another element is the water. There are the Waters of the Holy Spirit within you--both fresh Water and salt Water. These waters are necessary to host Life in the garden.

The third element is the light. The sun was the greater light God created to rule the day. The light that is greater for growing in your garden is the Light of Jesus Christ who shines upon you.

The final element needed for the flora of the garden is the air. The first man had no spirit of his own before God breathed into him. And that was when God breathed out the pnoezoic breath of Life.

It is God the Father who forms the Seal upon your forehead in the shape of the earth ready to serve the seed. The Holy Spirit is those Living Waters within you--those Holy Waters which give Life.

And Jesus the Son shines His Light upon you, ever renewing this blaze of glory. But you need God to blow upon you with His pneozoic Breath of Life, and the four necessary ingredients of Life come together.

Three elements are produced by God; one element is supplied by you. And once you are sealed you have Life within yourself, Life you may give to the garden. Theoretically you have Life within you independent from God.

Because then you are the fourth of the four parts necessary to give Life. You are just as important as the other three parts from God. Without soil a seed will starve after sprouting.

So you feed the seed what it needs to live, along with the other three offering it a balanced diet . If any of the four ingredients are taken out of its diet , the growing green thing will soon die.

But you stay close to God. You are not independent of Him since you need the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to complete your garden. Yet God is not independent of you either, but "needs" you for your garden.

The Seal of the soul is in your forehead. That is the plot of ground that becomes your garden. And that is where you bear fruit, mostly produced by your thoughts.

When you are sealed you become that little garden. And you depend on God to give you the Water, Light, and pnoezoic Air needed to sustain Life. But God depends on you to provide the soil, which you become when you receive the Seal.

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And now Jason would like to invite you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian? at www.sealsecrets.com and visit to learn about being sealed at www.sealofthesoul.com
Jason Witt