When you receive the Seal God will plant His little garden in you and you will bear fruit. You will bear fruit of the Tree of Life and fruit of the paragnostic tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

God created the world as we know it in seven days. On the fifth day He created the people, Adam and Eve. He formed Adam out of the earth. That was how Adam was created--he was sealed.

That is how God seals you. He creates your Seal out of the shape of the earth. And that is how you become a garden. You are a little garden because you are sealed in the shape of the earth in which a wheat Seed has been sown.

You begin as that one little plot of ground ready to grow a single wheat seed. And once you grow that single seed it will bear much fruit, meaning there will be many more seeds available just from that first growth.

These new seeds can be sown in you and the size of your garden can grow a little (along with the growing of the seeds) with each harvest. Eventually your garden can span the whole earth, it can grow so great in size.

And though wheat is the staple seed of your garden, the sowing does not stop there. God will sow other herbs and trees in your soul, making a complete garden, a sustainable little ecosystem.

The wheat is for nourishment of people. The first wheat seed sown and grown in your soul is a message. The first wheat seed is the Word. And each time you harvest that message grows a little.

Soon the wheat seeds will not be messages only but also believers. They will be people who believe your message, and that message will nourish them. They will eat the wheat and they will believe.

After your garden grows like this in size and importance God will sow other trees and herbs in you. Two of the trees He will bless your garden with are the two famous trees of the Garden of Eden.

Those two famous trees are the Tree of Life and the paragnostic tree of the knowledge of good and evil. First you will have the Tree of Life to share with your believers. That will nourish them with healing Life itself.

When once your believers were nourished by the message and believed, now they are nourished by the fruit of the message and they will live. And doubtless giving them Life is better than simply giving them something to believe.

Of course believing is important. They have to believe in order to live when they eat the Tree of Life. And along with belief there are other divine thoughts and feelings you can give them.

First you gave them the message and then you gave them faith . Next you gave them Life, and finally you share wisdom and understanding with them. The importance of wisdom and understanding is it gives them the ability to know what they believe.

And knowing what they believe is the key to living by that faith . That is the paragnostic knowledge you give them. But it is also a dangerous knowledge.

It is the knowledge of good and evil--the moral realization that brought death as a consequence upon Adam. It was not simply a punishment but a result of using the knowledge.

But when you are sealed you can feed people with the paragnostic knowledge that can give them Life. With the paragnostic knowledge they will understand how to eat of the Tree of Life, whose fruit you bear when you receive the Seal.

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And now Jason would like to invite you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian? at www.sealsecrets.com and visit to learn about being sealed at www.sealofthesoul.com
Jason Witt