When you receive the Seal you will have access to all interscient knowledge. This is the knowledge of the Judgments of God, and it comes from the Promise of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

When you are sealed you become a little garden. The Seal is the ground of the garden, the earth capable of feeding the Seed with what it needs to grow until it bear fruit.

God creates a little ecosystem in your soul when you are sealed. Your soul is the earth of that garden, and God provides everything else needed for producing new Life and its fruit.

Jesus is the Light needed for Life. Upon the earth, sunlight is necessary for growing strong, healthy plants. The light makes them green and they get a lot of their energy from it.

Water is also necessary for growing things. It is like the blood of the plant. Water is provided by the Holy Spirit living within you. The Holy Spirit will come to live within you when you are sealed and that will water your garden.

And finally the air is necessary for growing things. That air is your own Spirit sanctified by the Father. He is the one who blew the Breath of Life into you, just like He blew it into Adam, the first man.

He created Adam and Eve on the fifth day when He was creating things. It took Him a week to create the world and what surrounds it. That was when He planted the Garden of Eden in the world, the home of Adam and Eve.

The Garden of Eden was the Paradise they lived in until they ate the Forbidden Fruit and were banished from the Paradise. The Forbidden Fruit was of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

So how can you bear the interscient fruit, when it was originally forbidden for man to take this fruit? You do not really eat of that same exact tree which was forbidden in the beginning.

But you are capable of growing trees like it in your little garden when you are sealed. You are capable of growing trees whose fruit gives men the kind of knowledge that once was reserved only for God Himself.

It is the Judgment of God. What He thinks about the world. What He considers good and what He considers evil. When you know the Judgment of God you can practice some prophecy, because you know what God has decided about a matter.

Of course human judgment is fallible and even prophets can make mistakes. And God Himself can turn "the truth" into falsehood so people can not understand it.

But you can bear interscient fruit in your garden. And you can share this fruit with other people too. Then you will know the Judgments of God--whatever He considers good and evil in the world.

For instance, many matters are both good and evil. So God makes Decisions about what is right and what is wrong about the same matter. And you can know what God has decided.

God will reveal His Judgments to you when you are sealed. But you have to cultivate this tree. You have to tend it tirelessly so you know what God is thinking. But if you do tend this tree you will have the knowledge of some of the Judgments of God when you receive the Seal.

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And now Jason would like to invite you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian? at www.sealsecrets.com and "Get God's 'Seal of Approval' and Get the Victory Over Evil" at www.sealofthesoul.com
Jason Witt