When you receive the Seal God will lift up your thoughts and feelings with an exultary uplifting. And you will show this inner uplifting on the outside too--you will wear it like clothing.

Your heart and your flesh of your old person will no longer dictate how you think and feel. Now you will think godly thoughts with your soul and you will feel with the Spirit of God.

God the Father seals you and He is the one who sanctifies your soul and your new thoughts. The Holy Spirit sanctifies your belly, the seat of your emotions where you will feel the new feelings.

What about Jesus the Son of God? Jesus is the Lord of your heart which will no longer think and feel and act like the flesh of the natural person. Jesus helps you to replace your heart in continual renewal.

The natural person thinks and feels with the heart and flesh, and you may recognize such thoughts and feelings as those of fornication and prostitution. Those are obvious examples but there are others not so easily recognized.

Mourning and grieving are another problem of the natural person. The heart and the flesh want you to mourn and grieve passionately. They want you to passionately experience misfortune.

The spiritual person does experience a little mourning and grieving. That is of God, and spiritual as well as natural. But the sorrow that is passionate and intense is not spiritual or from God.

Your soul and your spirit know desires and longing for good things. That is from God. But when you desire evil things it is from your natural person, your heart and your flesh.

When you are greedy for wealth it comes from your heart. It comes from your flesh. It is from the natural person. And it is idolatry. God will provide for you all that is sufficient and He will even prosper you.

There are some actions that come from the heart and the flesh that you will no longer do when you are sealed. You may feel a little anger but you no longer speak with anger. You do not lie and you do not blaspheme or speak obscenity either.

You will change from old to new and it will show on the outside. You will change yourself like you change clothing. And you will be a new person as well as wear new clothing.

So what is this new clothing you will put on? The new clothing is the outward expression of your new inner thoughts and feelings. What you now think and feel on the inside you will wear on the outside.

Once you are sealed you will have thoughts and feelings of compassion, pity, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. These are virtues God will grant to your inner person and they will be revealed upon you just like clothing.

How will God accomplish this? By the Peace of God. He will change the way you think and feel so it becomes virtuous with His perfect Peace. And the peace of God will be exultary, rising up within you.

When you are sealed the Peace of God will rise up within you as exultary and lift you up with it. You will be lifted up to new Life and to Heaven when you receive the Seal.

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And now Jason would like to invite you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian? at www.sealsecrets.com and donate to get the ebook Seal of the Soul at www.sealofthesoul.com
Jason Witt