The ultimate success formula begins with clarity. Now that the New Year is upon us, many of us have made resolutions or have written down what they want to attract for the year. In other words you have determined what you want and desire. The question is why do you want that? What purpose does it serve? Once that is foreknown you will need to devise an action plan to develop strategies to obtain or accomplish your goals.

Your goals are just those very things you want and desire. We often flounder right here at this specific time and place. We forget to set up and develop our action plans. Those action plans are the make or break of a successful endeavor; whether it's a New Year's resolution or something you want to accomplish.

I firmly believe that the reason so many people who break their resolutions is because they left out the how too's or the action steps. For example if you want to lose weight, you decide that going to the gym would be a good plan. This goes well, until you decide to stop going. You forgot to write down the steps that need to be taken in order for you to show up at the gym three-four times a week. By not setting those action plans, you have set yourself up for failure.

Here's the way to help you become more successful in all of your endeavors:

1. Look at your resolutions, your desires, or your goals; decide which one is the most important at this time. Imagine doing or having exactly that. Does it feel good? Do you still want it? If yes, then go to step two if not then look again and make another decision.

2. The decision to have what you want and desire is yours and yours alone. So, list out the steps that you would need to take in order to have or achieve said goal. (These steps are the important part, because this is what is usually lacking.) This list doesn't have to be in any order, just listed.

3. Decide which of these steps will become the first, the second and so forth. You are setting up the necessary steps in order and in doins so is the beginning of success, and achievement .

4. Look at all that you have written down so far. What is lacking? What is the major aspect missing from you becoming successful? Now is the time to make a commitment to yourself, and take the first step.

Clarity is the first step in becoming aware of what you truly want and desire. Purpose or reasons will give the answer to the question of why you want that specific experience, or that specific goal. Without clarity and purpose why would you set a resolution or goal? For without clarity you are setting yourself up for failure; failure to adhere to your goal. Let's take the weight loss example: If you plan on losing weight and the reason you want that weight off is because you are being made fun of at the office, then you will fail. Now, if you take the weight loss , and decide you want to lose the weight because you want to live a healthy lifestyle then chances are you will lose the weight easily. With this purpose comes setting your action steps in accordance.

Before the action steps can be taken, you will need to know how to take those steps. Which step comes first, and which comes second, and so forth. Look at the strategy of how you will achieve your goal. When looking at these strategies you will find obstacles in your way. Those obstacles as well keep us from becoming successful. Our strategies will enable us to develop a plan to overcome those obstacles when they arise. Back to our example of weight loss : The obstacle might be time, so you will need to write yourself an appointment in your calendar for the gym. The other obstacle is eating unhealthy foods. You now will be able to choose your food more wisely because you have set up a plan.

As the famous Nike ® commercial states: "Just Do It." That's all it will take for you to become successful and achieve what you want and desire. You will be putting the action steps to work for you, because if you want something badly enough to go through this process then you will have to work hard for it. My theory is that if you plan, do the work, then you will reach your goal. Your goals will not manifest themselves by magic. That is our wish, not our reality.

Author's Bio: 

Carrie Fleharty by day is a mild mannered school librarian, but at night she's become a successful author. She is now a practicing Personal Life Coach. She enjoys helping people become successful in any endeavor that they feel is important to them. She enjoys and embraces change and sees it as a way to improve herself. She intends to keep improving her life, and keeps challenging herself to become a better person. She thoroughly enjoys expressing herself through the written word. And has written two books "Changes and Shifts: a Personal Journey" and "A Poet's Mind and Soul."

Her soul ignites through spiritual fire. She understands that the right spark can take a person to new meanings and new beginnings through a deeper sense of self. She is a seeker; she seeks Truth, the Devine, Spirituality, and Love. She believes that a spark will flame up to spread Truth. This Truth will be made known to all who seek.

After all "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." A Return to Love: Reflections on a Course in Miracles by Marianne Williamson. Sometimes all it takes is a helping hand. I will be that helping hand in either personal, spiritual, health and wellness or being a mentor.