What can I say that hasn't already been said? Hummm...

How about this?

I can almost guarantee that hours from now, days from now you will still be thinking about this article. In fact every time you stand up you will remember this article.

It doesn't matter if you are at work and just getting up to go across the room or at home getting up out of your favorite chair, every time you stand up you will remember this article.

Why will you remember this article every time you stand up?

Because humans operate like biological computers, the programs that influence the meanings you get, feelings you develop and decisions you make from the motivations that course through you are open in the conscious and non-conscious to suggestive programming.

So whenever you stand up, you will most probably think of this article, an article that shared the secret to effective self-control and self-esteem . Go ahead, stand up and see if you think about the words in this article.

You WILL in just a few minutes if you didn't already.

Self-esteem is the strength of your belief in yourself. How strongly do you really believe in yourself? Oh, you might flaunt about in the public and spread your feathers for all to see, but how do you actually feel and look in private especially when you are tucked away behind closed doors where others cannot invade your space?

Does your self-esteem still soar? If not perhaps you need to reexamine the reality of how you view your Self. What is your personal opinion of the way you have lived out your Life so far?

Grade yourself on a scale of zero to a hundred. Be honest since others will not see the grade, only you. How did you score? Can you improve and do better than what you have in the past?

The secret is to keep that living opinion grade high and to have balance in the way you live and in your self-esteem in both your public and private living. Refine the person you are so that you can honestly accept and admit to yourself that you are a quality human being with a quality Life.

This is the truth that will set you mentally and emotionally free from the concerns of the world. As you stand up you will remember that you also NEED to Stand Up for Yourself and to take responsibility and accountability for the decisions you make and the results they create.

Self-control is the ability and inner strength to maintain self-esteem at a high level. As you Stand Up the process helps you to remember that you ARE Standing Up for Yourself and proclaiming your independence and freedom from the things that people allow to influence and control them in the daily living experience.

Stand Up NOW. Do you remember this article and the words? Stand Up for Yourself and take control of your Life and living process because if you don't others will. Other people try to influence you each day and part of that process is overcoming your self-esteem and self-control. When you are not consciously in control you can be influenced and redirected.

Remember when you Stand Up you WILL remember this article and these words.

Focus on establishing your place in society and becoming the person you envision yourself to be not some shell of a person randomly accepting whatever comes your way. Stand Up right Now and remember that living is NOW not some distant belief of what the future holds. Enjoy the time you have each day and focus on living every moment to the fullest.

I was specifically asked to write an article that would be in itself a learning tool, a method of turning on the natural human empowerment that is within each of us. Here it is. Every time you read this article you reestablish a powerful pattern of personal focus on your self-esteem and self-control and the development of your inner strength as an understanding and empathetic person.

Every time you STAND UP you will remember THIS ARTICLE and these WORDS and you WILL be able to FOCUS on reestablishing your inner strength, self-esteem and self-control.

Do you REMEMBER this article yet? STAND UP and You WILL!

Author's Bio: 

Mr. Gentry has taken to heart the lessons shared with him over the years by his mentors. He continues to enrich himself through sharing his knowledge and insight with others in the attempt to better society by making even the slightest positive change in his fellow man.

Knowledge is worthless if it is not shared and utilized for positive direction and improvement.