Upon hearing the frightening news that I would be downsized from a job where I was an impact player, to say the least, I felt betrayed. I was told that both my immediate supervisor and I would be replaced by a single person, probably for less pay . In the past, I had offered up ideas and created programs to benefit the company. My programs would always be approved and then placed on hold for one reason or another. I was proud that my programs were creative; they were fun and did not cost money to implement.

While I knew there was no such thing as job security anymore, I always thought I would leave on my terms. To add to my pain, I was told I did not have the skill set to apply for the position. “What do you mean?” I wanted to ask. I’m already doing the job . “In fact, you want me to train the person replacing me?”

That’s when I knew in my heart what I was told was not valid and I was not going to be the one to validate their behavior by letting them affect me. Instead, I was going to get enthused, encouraged and energetic about my future.

I believe when people turn you off and try to turn you down, you must get turned on. Turn on the possibility of your future. Don’t let people limit you. Instead, maximize your success by rising to the challenge.

I wanted to tell my previous employer he was right–I don’t have the skill set to stay down at your level. Like steam, I was designed to rise to the top.

The first thing I did was write down my accomplishments and the skills I had utilized. I came up with a list that included motivating people, spotting financial opportunities and training others. The second thing I did was ask myself how I could use these skills to help make a difference in my life and the lives of other people. The third thing I did was brace my family and friends for maximum impact. That is, I prepared them for a wave of success I was sure I was going to set off. Not only was I going to live my dreams , but I was going to help them do the same if they were willing.

I spend my time now teaching others how to earn enough money to finance their dreams . I show them when they are ready they can hand a pink slip to their employer and tell the employer their services are no longer needed. There are a million ways to earn a million dollars; you only need one way to do it. The tide can change in your favor at any moment, so be ready for it.

I love helping people build money momentum. I honestly believe money is trying to chase you down.

In the beginning, I thought my employer was handing me bad news, but, instead, it was great news. They were forcing my hand, leaving me no excuses for going after my dreams .

In the past I used to say I did not have enough time to pursue entrepreneurial endeavors. I learned that when you are looking for excuses, any one will do. I was pushed into greatness by my previous employer. For that, I am forever thankful. When life hands you a box of melted chocolate, pour it on your ice cream.

*** This article was republished with permission from the best-selling Wake Up...Live the Life You Love book series. To hear more information on this book and the book series, go to http://wakeupteleclass.com/ .

Author's Bio: 

David Wells, known to his clients as The Money Motivator™

4363 Hanging Moss Dr.

Orange Park, Fl. 32073


