If you have a problem, any problem at all, you need a solution and a solution is the answer to your problem, right? To find the answer to anything, you have to do what? You have to ask the (___?___). The more glaring the problem, the more impactful the insight/answer to the question can be. The key here is to ask the kind of questions that will lead to the insights that have the potential to turn your life around in a way that will make you feel like you’ve just been upgraded to first class!

There are two ways we get stopped when asking the question or seeking an answer. Too much information can hinder your progress just as surely as not enough. Especially when in crisis it's tempting to get so busy trying to figure it out, trying to find the right answer, you don't even remember what the question is and the question itself is key to finding the right answer. So, before you look, ask. Ask the kind of questions that will empower you.

If you focus on who's to blame, what's wrong with the world or what's wrong with me you won't get very far. The most this will get you is a short-lived sensation of satisfaction that ultimately feels like slamming into a wall. This is a dead-end approach. The right questions will take you to the next level.

The questions you want to ask yourself are the questions that will reveal an answer that's unique to you. Within that answer you will know, "what next." What's the next action I need to take? Who is it I need to be to follow through on that? There is a way of life, a way of being in the world that is calling you---the problem is only there to get your attention.

The problem isn't there to stop you or to hurt you. It's not there because there is something wrong with you or because you don't deserve something better. It's there to transform you and asking the right questions and listening for the answer---using your internal guidance system---is the way out and through and truly, it is up to you.

Others may be able to help you, especially with the questions. Support is critical during transitions. For now, you may need to avoid those who "hinder," Meaning those “well-meaning” folks who limit you with their own limitations. You’ll know when you encounter someone like this because you start to feel contracted.

You may need to keep your own company more. Make a conscious choice to be unstoppable. Know that you have what it takes to get through this. As you feel this more empowered state of being, you will notice you are able to breathe deeper and fuller and this feels more expansive. This is crucial to your advancement, because if your belief system is big enough you can have anything you can imagine.

KNOW THIS: The problem is there because some part of you wants more out of life. That's how powerful you are. You manifested the problem so you could grow...so you would have the opportunity to be more of all that you already are. All that you already are is seeking greater expression in the world. That expression is your gift to you...and in time, it will be your gift to the world.

Author's Bio: 

Learning to reframe a problem into an opportunity is just one of the 3 components proven to make change possible and sustainable. To successfully transition through challenging times having a mentor, someone who has been there, done that, is also critical to success. The third component is part of a unique, cutting edge coaching program called The Shortcut to the Scenic Route. Learn more at BarbaraZagata.com

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Barbara Zagata is the author of “Don't Stress~Manifest: 21 Truths to Set You Financially Free.”