It’s that time of year again and with Thanksgiving just around the corner, this is the perfect time to take inventory of our lives and the perfect time to focus on the amazing and magical effects of thankfulness, appreciation and gratitude .
If you want to be the magnetic force in your own life, to have more financial wealth, more love, more joy, more fulfillment, more of whatever it is you want, then it is necessary to energetically align yourself with that which is already flowing into your life.
1. Look for evidence of current prosperity , love, joy, fulfillment, etc.
2. Honor it, and finally
3. Invite more in.
In short, the more you acknowledge what you have, express your gratitude for it and believe that you will be given more, the more the Universe rewards you with all that you want and need.
Perhaps you currently find yourself at a cross-roads. A cross-road of resistance. Resistance to success, love, joy, happiness ? So frequently we all resist that which we want most. In the face of such a wall of resistance, what will you do? Will you gather all of the resources at your disposal and rise above it, or will you back away and let resistance win.
Gratitude is a powerful tool that helps you break down that wall of resistance. Gratitude can be used as a transformational tool, as a tool that will shift your emotional state and increase your self-esteem .
"The Word 'appreciation' means to be thankful and express admiration, approval or gratitude . It also means to grow or appreciate in value. As you appreciate life, you become more valuable - both to yourself and others." Sara Paddison in The Hidden Power of the Heart: Discovering an Unlimited Source of Intelligence
"What you put out comes back. The more you sincerely appreciate life from the heart, the more the magnetic energy of appreciation attracts fulfilling life experiences to you, both personally and professionally." Doc Childre and Sara Paddison
Gratitude can literally and figuratively change your life. It allows you to tap into the transformative energies that are out there and available to you. Being thankful can unlock the fullness of your life and make everything a bit sweeter and brighter and more joyful. As you appreciate your life, your passions, the uniqueness of who you are including all your experiences, you become more valuable to yourself and others. Attracting even more fulfilling life experiences and joy.
So during this Thanksgiving and Christmas season, remember to gives thanks. Just say "thank you" and your world will get brighter and sweeter.
Linda Simmon, C.Ht.
After over 20 years of being a paralegal, Linda Simmon decided it was time to take a new direction with her life and is a graduate of The Hypnosis Motivation Institute, the first and only nationally accredited school for hypnotherapy in the United States. For more information on Linda, her CD’s and downloadable mini-sessions as well as telephone and face to face sessions, visit