All of us have had painful life experiences in the past. If we are lucky, we can just shake them off and get on with our lives. But sometimes experiences of trauma and loss can affect us so deeply that months and even years later; we still feel the impact in our daily lives. The aftermath of trauma can disrupt our lives and cause continuing stress that is harmful to our health and wellbeing. The signs of PTSD are often misdiagnosed. Here are some common signs of post-traumatic stress in adults and children:

- Depression
- Feeling "stuck"
- Feelings of panic/ anxiety
- Nightmares
- Involuntary response to "triggers"
- Physical ailments like back and headaches
- Flashbacks
- Intrusive memories
- Eating/sleep disorders
- Drug and alcohol abuse
- Suicidal tendencies
- Self-harm
- Grief
- Denial
- Anger/rage
- Guilt/shame
- Feeling out of control
- Low self-esteem
- Emotional outbursts
- Emotional numbing
- Emotional swings
- "Doomsday" thinking
- Hypervigilance
- Difficulty trusting
- Amnesia of the traumatic event
- Restlessness
- Poor problem solving
- Difficulty making decisions

EMDR, Eye Movement Desensitization is a highly successful and much researched form of psychotherapy that has been used to treat PTSD since 1989. To learn more about how EMDR can lead to trauma recovery, please visit my website:

Author's Bio: 

Leila McKay is a mindfulness psychotherapist specializing in EMDR for trauma resolution. She is in private practice in Austin, Texas; where she works with adults, couples, and children aged 3 and up.