What is codependent behavior? When you try to define codependent you may see many definitions that essentially refer to the same problem: an excessive caring for another person that borders on psychological obsession. Is there such a thing as a person being too caring? Don’t all people desire to be loved and feel needed? Yes. However, codependent behaviors do not make healthy relationships. They are very conditional and are characterized by inappropriate behavior shown by the codependent towards a family member or friend. (Or even more than one person)

The person who is being cared for by the codependent personality may feel uncomfortable, perhaps even “assaulted” by a person who genuinely believes they are helping the situation. It is important to recognize codependency symptoms when dealing with such a personality. There is a difference between a codependent nature and a person who merely seeks to play a dominant role in his or her relationships.

Codependency is characterized by feelings of distrust and avoidant reactions to feelings or intimacy. Codependents may also exhibit perfectionism, overly controlling behavior and hypervigilance. This type of aggressively controlling behavior may be at the expense of the other person, suppressing independent thought or hindering the other person’s abilities to function on their own. Some extreme cases of codependent relationships have seen the self-appointed caretaker attempt to keep their subject debilitated, either mentally or physically, so that the codependent relationship can continue.

If depression accompanies such codependent behavior then it is a telling sign that the relationship is an unhealthy one, and perhaps even headed for trouble. If a codependent senses the relationship is breaking, it may leave the person feeling frustrated or very heartbroken for their perceived inability to help.

It is important to learn more about the subject of codependence as well as coping mechanisms. One helpful website that reports on the issue is HowToBeSaneWhenLifeIsnt.com. The author presents an easy-to-read guide with 40 tips on how to minimize stress and get help with codependency .

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Claudine Struck "The Mind, Body, Spirit Expert" author of "How to Stay Sane When Life Isn't." If you are ready to make you a priority, cultivate healthy relationships and live a more sane, happier life then this inspirational and unique approach to integrating mind, body spirit is for you. Get free tips now at howtostaysanewhenlifeisnt.com