Some parents are against it. Some parents are for it. Is it a good idea or a bad idea for teenagers to get a job? Some parents want their teen to earn and handle their own money. There are plenty of jobs for teens out there, but do all teens fit for all jobs. There are many things parents should consider when their child asks if they could get a job. Children who are legal to work and want to do so can learn a lot about the world and who they are through the right job and learn about work ethic and earning money. Some can learn that through making an allowance at home. Child development and child behavior experts are slit on this topic. Both groups, however, agree that, "it depends on the child"(Child Psychology ).

When it comes to jobs for teens, one major consideration is time. There are only so many hours a week each teen should be working so that they are not falling behind in school, and not missing out on things like school activities and hanging out with friends. They should work only what seems to be fine within their schedule, and never more than they can handle. If the grades begin to fall, you may have to have them quit, or talk with their boss about cutting back hours. It may be hard on the child, but school has to come first.

Another consideration when it comes to jobs for teens is what they will be doing and where they will be doing it. A job at the mall may be fine, but if they are coming out of the mall at night by themselves, that may be cause for concern. If they are looking into jobs for teens, make sure you assert yourself and tell them what hours are acceptable, and even what parts of town are ones you can live with. Jobs for teenagers should never require that teen to close a store on their own, or to leave when no one else is around. Those jobs should be reserved for adults.

When a child gets their first paycheck from their first jobs for teens, it is a good idea to talk with them about what they should be doing with their money. They should be allowed to buy something they really want, but they need to put some of it away should be something taught to them very quickly. Some teenagers automatically see jobs for teens as ways to save for college or to get their first car, but others might not have any idea about saving and budgeting money. This is a good lesson for them to learn, and one that should be learned early if possible.

Positive Factors To Consider In Allowing Your Child To Get A Job

Jobs can teach teenagers work skills they will need their whole lives, such as how to fill out an application, how to interview well, how to work responsibly, and how to get along with co-workers and superiors

Jobs can help teens feel more confident and independent

Jobs help teens develop a sense of responsibility

Students who work 10 to 15 hours a week during the school year earn higher grades than students who don’t work at all Jobs help teens learn to manage their money

Jobs cab help teens explore potential career paths

Some Negative Factors To Consider In Allowing Your Child To Get A Job

Teens who work more than 13 to 20 hours a week receive lower grades

Teens who work find it difficult to keep up extracurricular activities and friendships

Teens who work are more likely to use illegal drugs or alcohol

Overworked teens sleep and exercise less and spend less time with their families

Some Other factors To Consider:

* Does my teen get out of bed in the morning without prodding?
* Does my teen shower and have good hygiene?
* Does my teen make good choices?
* Does my teen take responsibility for mistakes?
* Does my teen get along with other teens and with adults?
* Does my teen handle criticism?
* Does my teen have good time management skills?

Talk to your teen about why he or she wants a job and what your expectations are for

* Grades
* Extracurricular activities
* Friends and family
* Money (how much your child will need to save versus spending and what expenses he or she will be responsible for)

Author's Bio: 

Scott Wardell is the creator and author of . ScottCounseling offers parents hundreds of free parenting articles and online e-mail counseling services. Scott Wardell is the Official SelfGrowth Guide to Child Development.

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